ShoutTrail: °Agape°Love°Lion° and BA1

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Report this shout to Moderators never came back. And it made me very sad.

20180403 160549
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Well I will start with the obvious this is open forum so yeah.
But I shall try..

Milton William "Bill" Cooper was an incredible man and forth coming in the knowledge he obtained from sources up high. And a Pale Horses Comes..

When I used to spend time in the remote deserts I witnessed enough to tell you that the model used in the film encounters of the third kind was likely based in reality.
Though I do not assert that belief in the little green being because I know it is more nefarious than that.

The KJV is only source I will injest into me.

Powers and principality here divide the masses, by color, race, ***sex, religion and cause all troubles for the world who if they knew would decimate them in one moment. We are being dumbed down and intentionally socially engineered by every means possible. There are no real choices in voting just different faces on same head. Mandatory schooling where we only earn enough to keep us from questioning the truth of the cage we are in. More and more has become uncovered of how innocent children are used against their will and done unspeakable wrongs to their tiny souls. This is to painful to hold in my mind so I do not pick it up but acknowledge that it is very real. The churches are controlled and they are paying tithes and offerings to a watered down pastor who sold out his own faith for entertainment and popular experience.The pharmaceutical companies have us with the over medicating of everyone into oblivion. Smart phones are deadly and addictive creating socially inept teens and mindless focus upon a small black box.. Interesting some who claim to be Jewish are not and there is so much to say. I am going to stop here.

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The one you mentioned before about seeing the music of the universe in reverse in a mirror has always made me want to speak further about it.

You remember that?! Can't accuse you of not having a memory - I know precisely what you're talking about! Also, I bear NEW revelation(s) regarding "the mirror."
But for the time being, please share with me your insights and questions. It's good to hear that you're "awake." We must compare notes!

Thank you for your kindness in inviting me. know. It was that or find myself harassing you periodically over the years - Lol!😄

20180403 160549
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Thank you Alan!
So nice to hear from you!
Yes I have massive back logs.
Your video selection on your profile are all ones I have made contact with already. Very much a woke one and it speaks to my instinct that you were a great person and not just that you were a good friend but have some really good ideas and interesting thoughts to share. The one you mentioned before about seeing the music of the universe in reverse in a mirror has always made me want to speak further about it. I know I said that wrong but you can surmise some of what I stumbled to say.
Thank you for your kindness in inviting me. You rock brother.

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-and don't forget to smash that friends request!

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You ARE here!

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Hello stranger.
I was wondering when you would raise your head. It's good to have you back, dear lady - hope to see you here more often as our H-community regrows its hair - haha!
I'm okay for the most part save the wear of time....which seems to have favored you quite well.
You have stories. I have ears. Some catching up when you get time? Hopefully I can pull my day/night hours back around.
Welcome back!

20180403 160549
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Hello Allan. I made it back. Wish it never ended seems it has lost a few people but slowly getting back to the space it was. How are you?

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