ShoutTrail: DocteurRalph and Silverset

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Why would u say it is a bad idea asking him that? I have felt worried he would try to hurt me.

I think ure prob right he is unsure so I do feel abit more at ease if that is to be the case. I have felt very threatened receiving attention from him since he bullied me after I rejected him in school.
Im not sure asking if he wants to be friends is something I particularly want to do considering havent spoken to him in ages.
I haven't contacted him.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I don't think leaving him a message asking him if he is trying to hurt you is a good idea. I think it's a bad idea. If you do contact him, apologize for the way you acted in the past. Tell him you would like to be friends if he wants, and leave it open for him to contact you.

He's not trying to hurt you, he is just a little unsure how to act around you. Act normal, smile.

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I know ill bump into him again and it makes me feel anxious. thinking sending on facebook do u think its not wise?

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Dr Ralph in relationship to the post
the person im scared off I wrote this, do u think its a bad idea? "Please don't hurt me. why do u want to hurt me? Im scared you want to hurt me. I just tried to leave you alone because I thought that’s what you wanted.
Taking into consideration the illness I had, If I don’t get a response I take it you don’t feel comfortable round me and I will be KEEPING my distance"

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