ShoutTrail: DocteurRalph and BA1

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Okay, I think I just shouted myself though...

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Good to see he Doc.
How have you been?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Yeah I don't think whoever made that post last night was littlenick. I don't know why they were using the chihuahua avatar, probably just to let everyone know that they were an old time user and maybe even a littlenick fan... yeah I sure don't think that was him last night, I was here and he didn't say hi or shout me like he normally would... right?

Beyond that I'm still trying to figure out this Little Nick thing too. I'm not sure why he hasn't been back since he first took a sniff around. Only time will tell.

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Hey, brother, how's it going?
I'm trying to figure out this Little Nick thing.

First (a couple months ago) "Little Nick" shows up and has a look around. He makes some posts and then abandons them. Then I make like three variations of Avatar for him (at his request) but does nothing with them. Then he goes away.
NOW, he comes back here with his old Avatar, but his name is different AND he's acting like it was the first time he's been back.
I checked - there are two accounts, but it's not the same person. Do you know what's going on?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Thanks... and yeah I haven't sent anyone a friend request on this site. Last time I sent one to everybody there and so I decided to just not do it this time. Thanks Big Alone, you're a real friend!

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Might want to check you friends request status...

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Just to let them know...

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When in times you need a shield, just to remind them...

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Not your average Barbie doll!

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And its tome for me to rack out - peace brother!

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Photobucket is a fukkin feind! I've got to judo chop through a carpet bombing of ads just for the most simple of things.
I have an alternate, more friendly image host "Tiny Pic" the day I get fed up.
Right now, I'm down on phone data and it's really hard to do anything at either site.
But, as long as I have the original image, your Avatar will always be safe.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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My friend just got here, I've got to go Bigun. Love you man!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Now it's all good. So have you been having troubles with photobucket? I noticed they want to charge me now and want me to open an account. I have been seeing a lot of pictures that are removed by photobucket too. Is that going to happen to my avatar?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Yeah it is broke. I'll go to photobucket and try it smaller. I think maybe it was just too big.

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I get it. Lol! Eddie's the poet and Becca the sweetie. No confusion.
...No I think the upload broke the avatar...

I also remember Yeti and Pianoman from the old days - I didn't know them like you did but I've seen them post.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Becca's a honey. I wrote "Eddieees a guy" and then "she's a honey" that sounded weird. whew I meant the artist girl was a honey. Eddieee is definitely not a honey.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Eddieee is a guy.. lol. I know that avatar is kind of confusing and he doesn't do anything but post poems so I can see how it is confusing. And yeah she's a honey.

I wanted this one back I just put it up there to mess with Yeti, no it was Pianoman. He has his real picture now so I put that up and said it was a drawing of the real me or whatever. Is my smoke moving? I think I screwed it up.

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I've see that Avatar even back at the old Help - she seems to be quite an artist and from the sound of it, becoming very successful - probably a honey too!
I hope she shows up.
(And you don't have to change your avatar back because of me - it's good to change things up every so often?)

I was wondering about Eddieee - something from way back and maybe you can answer... Eddieee IS a guy, right? Or is that an unsolved mystery?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Yeah... she wasn't on that much even back then though. Not an addict like me and you lol. She's an artist that is having exhibits and all that stuff now but back then she was just a little kid that drew pictures all the time. She drew a bunch of them of my Dr. Ralph guy doing different things. That last picture was her having coffee with Dr. Ralph. I thought it was cool

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Was she a regular at Help in the earlier days?
)sorry for the confusion - still waking up)

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I didn't mean the one you made didn't work. I mean I changed it to try to lure the girl back here, that didn't work. And I know she's fine, she doesn't get on the computer that much. She will eventually find us, she's friends with me and Bucking Fastard and littlenick and Eddieee Eddieee Eddieee on facebook.

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Yeah - 3:20am to be exact.
Thirsty & had to whizz...
You know... Saw notices on the phone and thought I'd see who's alive.

???Your Avatar was working (or so it seemed)

Maybe you should call your lady friend if she hasn't been around the local sites for a while. Hope she's okay for every ones sake.

My phone data is shot. Videos are drag. Text like this is okay' though.
Text s unlimited.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Maybe she hasn't seen it, she hasn't posted anything on FB since November 16th.. not a big computer freak. How are your minutes holding up? You use them all yet hanging out here?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I guess my avatar didn't work. I was trying to get becca back on here, the girl that drew this but she didn't bite on my FB message. I like the one you did better anyway.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Hey Alone.. what are you doing up? It's 6:19 here that means it's like 3AM in Alaska?

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I believe so.
I know she IS "Southern Comfort" from the old Help.
She shortened her name (for what reason I don't know).

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Is soco the Wendy girl from Florida? Whew...

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Holy shmidt!
I may need some of what you have - I'm getting a bit top heavy and finding it harder to breathe.
Of course 6'500 packs of Camel 100's will slow you down...just a little bit.
Good to hear you're well, though, and you maybe right about bottoming out.
I just hope I can bounce more time.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I'm as healthy as I want to be. Actually been working out and eating right. I got on some strong stuff at the beginning of the year for a while and lost 50 pounds, but it was a good thing. Now I'm about 20 pounds heavier and in good shape. Sometimes you have to bottom out to get back to where you belong.

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I could be healthier, but where I'm at right now seems to be steady - I'm not getting any worse (luckily).

Yeah, Robbie has kept up with me from time to time - he calls, bless his heart. But he does not stay put so I could never return the favor.

Of course, it was good seeing you dropping in at You Tube. You should come by more often. I have a different account and go by a different name (because I can't get back into my old account). Starlt Freak channel.

And how have you been?
Staying healthy? Eating well? Keeping warm? (Cold winds are blowing here).

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Thanks man, how you been doing? I talk to old Robbie the guitar guy all the time and keep track of littlenick and Edieee and Joe fknbastrd on facebook. Not sure about most of the others.

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You are lit for sure!

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* -can re-up your animated avatar.

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I'm the same way.
Click on the icon and download a fresh copy to your computer.
From there you can set-up your animated avatar.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Thanks Al!!!! I had lost the smoking gif thing. I'm not good with computers.

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