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hey QA i need help

I have a exercise:
Attached is SRS i should read it and create test doc which you should detailed the tests you should perform on this feature.

The SRS is:
Calendars Manager

Right Pane
Showing preview data for selected calendar in the grid

Current Grid UI

Add calendar
User will choose to create one of the following calendars:
• regular
• periodic
• rule-based
Calendar editor will be opened specifically for chosen type, dialog will contain ok and cancel buttons, click on cancel will discard changes, and on OK it'll add a new entry in the calendar list

Edit calendar
The user will choose to edit one of the calendars in the list.
Pressing on edit button will open the appropriate calendar editor by his type.

Duplicate calendar
The user will select calendar from the grid and then click on duplicate.
A dialog will be open with a question: "Are you sure you want to duplicate the selected calendar?"

Check in & Check out
Check in - save calendar data and send to the control-m server,
It also change the calendar to read only mode.
Check out - change the calendar to be editable, changes are saved locally until check in.
Discard changes (checkout)
Discard all the changes that were done locally since last checkout, it return back to original calendar version.

The user can select a calendar from the grid and delete it.

Take ownership
When a calendar is being edited it's being checked-out by a user,
in this scenario if another user wants to modify it,
he needs to take the ownership.

Refresh Grid
Get the calendars data from the server

View Original version
Use to compare edited version with the last checked-in version

7. Permissions
The groups will have the following permissions on the calendars:
browseGroup - you can only view calendars
updateGroup - you can view and edit calendars (but cannot delete)
adminGroup - you have full permissions on all the actions in calendars

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check, user, edit, calendars, calendar
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(11 minutes after post)
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More information would be helpful! What kinds of tests? Manual? Automated?

If manual- I’d say you should go through every potential flow as each permission level:

Create each calendar type, edit it, pass ownership, edit as new user, then delete— verify the steps cannot be accomplished as a user without the necessary permission level)

If not manual, you can skip the beginnings of each flow and have a dedicated test for each point. For example, you’ll want a test that checks if a “browseGroup” user is able to delete a Calendar. That test doesn’t care about the user creating or editing calendars- each test should only be checking one thing, but you’ll want to make sure you test every point of potential failure.

(20 minutes after post)
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I need to create a checklist testing
Not something specific

(22 minutes after post)
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I have to submit a checklist testing to my studies

(34 minutes after post)
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Then I’d go with the “automated” testing route, with a check in your list for each potential point.

(45 minutes after post)
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Ok and you can help me ?
With the checklist for each feature?

(46 minutes after post)
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This is the first time I do a checklist testing

(1 hour after post)
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I’d start with

As a user with browseGroup permissions:
[] A user can login
[] A user can see a listing of all calendars
[] A user can not create a calendar
[] A user can not edit a calendar
[] A user can not delete a calendar

Add a few more for details, including refreshing, showing error messages, etc- run through the check in/out process, create each type of calendar, make sure you include “tests” for clicking on a yes/no for pop up confirmation/dialogue.

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