last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Ripples never come back.

Now put some music to it and you have the most powerful song ever written.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Quote this reply Report this reply to moderators're really gonna hate me for this - lol!

Yes, ripples do come back, it just depends on the circumstance.

Now, bear with me (you can actually try this yourself and see).

Get a mug full of coffee and set it on a calm surface. Use anything it takes to make a drop of coffee fall in the middle of the mug.

Here's what you should see -

The ripples go out to the side and reverberates back to the center where it reverberates back out again where it reverberates to the center again.

You have to have a quick eye.

Each cycle becomes weaker and weaker until the surface is calm again.

In the bigger scheme of things....
The ripples from a stone that is cast into a lake will not return.

I would dare say you could hardly make a ripple by casting the same stone into the ocean.

Anyway, just relaying my experiences and observations.

Hope it helps.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
Verified User (6 years, 1 month)
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I know.
Fair enough


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I think maybe this was meant metaphorically?

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Maybe that you feel that you do kind deeds for others but kindness does not reverberate back to you from others?

If so then it is to remember that we do not give in order to receive. But we give from our hearts ๐Ÿ˜Š

Im really trying to find my kind spirit again. I think i lost it along the way for a while. Life is a rough journey huh

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Yes jetmoo. It was. But I appreciate anyones interpretation and perspectives.
It was meant metaph.........
Love and peace

last online: 05/14, 23:04
Verified User (6 years, 1 month)
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In our lives sometimes once its done. Its done. And usually but not always it cant be undone.
Say you love you to your mom. Tomorrow isnt promised to no one

Gone edited this post .

Ripples never come back.ยฌ Now put some music to it and you have the most powerful song ever written.ยฌ

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