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when all is well..

sometimes i feel like i need good/bad stuff happening to me to get busy.. cant i just chill in peace?

is this what you call .. wachamacallit?

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call, peace, busy, chill, wachamacallit
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Nothing like a hot fire lit under your feet to get you moving. Personally, I hate times like that. I'm doing that fkkn very dance as I type except, there ain't no water.
No one said a good thing lasts forever. I guess every dog has his day.

It's actually a good candy bar.

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well currently .. since nothings happening .. im on a mission to go on a super shopping spree.. with plans and all u know- to stock up the house bunker style!

for a long time, this dude (me), been shopping daily at 7-11 for meals. and long as i've ignored the cost value vs shopping at the grocer is by far a big difference.

funny thing is i know this. just terribly lazy at it..

so im trying to change that now.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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It good that you're seeing the light. When you know how to shop, everything changes for the better.
1. You save money.
2. The quality of your food choice becomes better.
3. Better meals if you have any kind of real taste.
Buy a 8 QT Crock Pot. Put a 7 .lb roast in that baby and you have liquid meat in 12 hours. Add BBQ Sauce and mix - holy hell! Top shelf sloppy Joe's.

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BA1 wrote:
It good that you're seeing the light. When you know how to shop, everything changes for the better.
1. You save money.
2. The quality of your food choice becomes better.
3. Better meals if you have any kind of real taste.
Buy a 8 QT Crock Pot. Put a 7 .lb roast in that baby and you have liquid meat in 12 hours. Add BBQ Sauce and mix - holy hell! Top shelf sloppy Joe's.

i got an oven/crockpot/microwave/airfryer and a king sized grill.. yet the whole time.. i went to 7-11 instead smh.. * talking to self * bad dog bad!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Dude! No doubt! Once you start up the home cooked meals and do some baking, you'll never think of 7/11 as cuisine again.
Now, off you go for a full rack of short ribs and maybe a briskette. Yeah, don't be shy and get the 8 pounder. Just slice and repackage what you aren't going to use and then freeze the rest.
Don't forget the green salads! The best tomatoes are the Campari.
Also, right now is the time to get some Tangelos and mandarins. Remember buy yellow bananas (not green) and find grandmas recipe for banana bread. Brown bananas are not bad - fermented ones are even better.

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gotta give it to you man! super encouragement!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Well, I try.
I have a lot of pioneering experience.

For meats you got Beef, Chicken (including turkey, goose or duck), or Pork. There are divisions among everyone of those items. These are items you can stock up on and freeze.
I would have included fish but that's a tricky spot. I'll talk about bit later.

Then there's your staples - flour, corn meal, rice, beans, split green peas (or lentals) oats (whole rolled) and wheat. Dude, you got to try a bowl of wheat some day, you'll never buy another box of cereal again.

Anyway, between the meats and the staples - you can store those (or freeze) for a very long time.

The only dairy that stands The test of time is a very hard cheese, like Parmesan. Maybe a firm Swiss.

You can freeze milk and cream but you can also learn how to cook with powdered milk - like with oatmeal and Cream of Wheat and or things.

The thing about pre-packaged food is how convenient it is. But, it's $#!t food.

You can make five gallons of meat sauce, boil off so many pounds of spaghetti, package that $#!t up in portion size containers and freeze it - boom! Instant spaghetti for a year - home cooked, home made....

Cook in bulk, freeze the rest. Learn how to jar. Buy jars and a pressure cooker. Cook up 2 gallons of beef stew in your crock pot, jar the rest. Same said for chicken stew.

Spend $300 bucks in spices. Buy that salt, garlic, black and white pepper. Buy that red chili powder and paprika, man. You can't have proper egg salad sandwich or deviled eggs without paprika!

Yeah, you gotta 5 gallon buckets and drill some holes. You can store potatos, onions, your whole garlic- you can grow fresh herbs from your kitchen window or porch.

Kitchens in America seem to have everything BUT food. It would be a good start to lay out 5K just for food, but you got to know what the ****fuck you're doing. It's an investment and it can be easily lost through ignorance.

But, when you get it right...it'll get you through hard times.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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So..... When's dinner? Lol!

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