
its a funny story..

i know im too much

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Hey yall, How bout some noise!!

written () ago

Who are you, why are you so quiet and lurking about? how about some thunder about what we could help out with, stop being so lame and answer this post

For my first time trying

written () ago

growing tomatoes, I've refrained from growing in the yard since there's animals such as squirrels and deer that love freebies.

then there's that

written () ago

the garbage clericomon clinic.

bought this greatest thing pm if yawanna know

written () ago

but i just cant get rid of this logo.

Hate to bring this up

written () ago

With this place on a traffic hiatus, What other platform do you all use??

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Top Replies
Yorick's Top (5) Replies by other users' votes
What keeps you at Help-qa?

the reason i keep coming back i get to be myself without checking myself twice and remain somewhat anonymous.

For me, fb is too revealing-cropped up catalog fake-ee, reddit far too crowded to get familiar with anyone, .. and as for.. craigs-what?.. i prefer if i need some answers fast i'll come looking here.

its like a church or something but without the religion.

- written - voted for by DocteurRalph, Jetmoo, twosocks, Araz, Padre_J_Roulston, smiley
I don't care who you are, or what reason you have, if I bring you money to buy a cake and you don't want to sell me a cake, I'm just going to punch you in your face.

i rather try to bathe a cat.. than deal with this lmao

- written - voted for by smiley, sophieshizuko, BA1, Araz, DragonLady
i need permission

btw... im not crying for help

its just the lyrical genius that captivates me

- written - voted for by BA1, Araz, PepperJ
Sometimes keeping control is hard.

gonna be frankly short.. at some point trying to keep it under control for so long will reach its breaking point.. been there.. done that.

- written - voted for by PepperJ, BA1
For my first time trying

well well, whadda ya know .. i got some plumpys no thanks to yall

- written - voted for by DocteurRalph
Last 5 Replies - All 1,205 Replies ยป
I need help.

I believe its the silence of the matter thats causing it. i do miss the old

my advice might not be the best, but taking a break from the grid(internet lol) helps me from time to time.

and as for reaching out other platforms.. believe me I tried.. its all junk man!

- written

this is my fathers fave

- written
For my first time trying

well well, whadda ya know .. i got some plumpys no thanks to yall

- written
then there's that

whatever.. im just trying to make some thunder!! apparently its not workin'

- written

is that who i think it is?.. my condolences :(

- written
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