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how to be human

written () ago

so, I google searched this question, and found a lot of interesting articles. I believe sometimes we forget how to be humans, so I'm copy pasting the wikihow article which got me thinking, and I'm hoping for any positive input that could help make us a guide with useful phrases on what it means to be a human. because sometimes we need a reality check in order to appreciate who we are and what we have, we seem to forget easily and we sometimes need to reevaluate our goals and needs.

"thanks" "sorry" "I love you" "well done"

written () ago

simple words, yet almost everyone seem to either forget to tell, or fear, or just not interested enough. whether it is at home, or at the office, or even with friends, some nice words could make someone elses day. and also, what you give is what you get.

happy father's day!!!

written () ago

warning: strong stomach required!


This post is closed.
written () ago

I got it out of my system! Post close please

Let's post some funny videos!!!

written () ago

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Kalinihta's Top (5) Replies by other users' votes
Why does the app for my robot vacuum cleaner need access to my photos and contacts?

Since you got all the funny answers, I'll be serious for a change.
This has been bothering me with most of my apps. I don't have anything to hide, I only have photos of my family. I just can't understand why does the flashlight app need my location! I've seen a few videos that say you can deny access, but I can't download anything if I don't allow access. I've recently read somewhere that everything you type in your messages, posts, emails, even if you don't send them, the information is being kept. I also don't like the way google works but you can't download anything without a google account. I don't know, maybe I'm being paranoid here, but as you said, why does the app for your vacuum cleaner need your contacts?

- written - voted for by Jetmoo, BA1, Nix, soco, smiley
What do I do to survive the three weeks until my gastro appointment (optional: what's wrong with me)

So, you're slightly anemic, which sounds logical since you've got dysphagia. Nothing to worry about. Ferritin levels take some time to change.
I'd suggest you do all the tests YOU feel necessary, so you'll be absolutely sure about the results and have absolutely no doubt about your health.
Keep us updated.

- written - voted for by BA1, CarolineFCY, soco
How To Clean A Cat

If you are trying to get your cat killed, hurting yourself, trying to get yourself killed: please, seek professional help!

Call this hotline (1-800-273-8255) operated by our friends at the Catlivesmatter Lifeline, anytime, for free, professional, and confidential assistance. While other Helpers are likely to reply to your post, please make sure you understand that your cat works in mysterious ways.

Note: I'm a robot that Kalinihta programmed. If this response is in error, I apologize, please ignore it.

- written - voted for by ๐•อคอญอฅฬ‡๐•–๐•ฅ๐•šใ€‚(Yeti.), BA1, sophieshizuko
Fill my heart with mercy please!

Love is not a grocery store to count what you gave, what I gave, what the other. you either give everything from your soul, or sit on your corner and count what you did not get.

- written - voted for by BA1, smiley
It's my birthday!

awww happy birthday smiley!!!!!
like wine we get better with age! (or is it we feel better about our age with some wine? hah!)

- written - voted for by BA1, smiley
Last 5 Replies - All 164 Replies ยป
(For the older people)

That escalated quickly!
Sorry in advance for responding although I'm not older, this is just a general thought not necessarily applying to you.
People always feel the need to belong somewhere. Sometimes the realization that you don't, can be disappointing. But truth is, noone truly does. We only see small fractures of others and if they're relatable somehow, we have the illusion of belonging. Sometimes it's frustrating when you realize that more things divide us than not, but it's only when you'll accept the other for what he/she is, that you can also become accepted. It's our insecurities/inefficiency that make such connections hard.
I'd say you're on a good path because most people only realize how they must treat family and friends when it's too late, and also at some point you'll need to decide that you just need to be you (whatever this means) and not to care how others are, rather than what impact you want to have in their life and what you want to get from your relationships. but hey, I'm just 30, what do I know! ๐Ÿ˜‹
Having said that, you're not old, sorry, the exclusive old peoples club won't accept your submission! From what you're saying, it seems to me that you've either decided that others don't worth your time or/and you don't worth theirs. If I were you I'd make sure it's not some bad inner voice that creates this frustration.

- written
Last post before I go back into hiding.

smiley wrote:
because my guest cottage/mad scientist lab is in the middle of a bamboo forest. (I know, sounds crazy, but it's true and I've started to hate the cursed stuff, but I'm trying to embrace it's invasive presence, as long as it stays clear of my grapevines and fruit trees.)

don't worry, we believe you! I remember one or two posts of yours about eating or cooking bamboo, if my memory serves me well. hey, why don't you try (if you haven't done this already) to make handmade things from bamboo? you'll find tons of ideas on pinterest.
as for me, I've been a waste of resources lately, until your late 20's, when you achieve something, you're a prodigy. in your 30's anything you do is just expected. I remember a comedian saying that you could find the cure for cancer in your 30's, and everyone would be like "what took you so long?"
but I'm really happy with my life!
please don't go silent again. I don't know you but you brought good vibes to the forum.

- written
I don't want to forget but I'm in a bad state making it difficult to hold the thought otherwise I'd wait to say this.

edit: oops! I was trying to fix the link in my post and accidentally made a new post! nvm me! ๐Ÿ˜„

- written
i has a giant election and it wont know if i win for 96 hours now....

lol how the election went down?

- written
Why are many young people proclaiming their bipolar?

hi! welcome back!
I haven't noticed such a thing, actually, I know a hell of a lot bipolars and not one of them is young.
but let's say its true. I think it's easier to get diagnosed nowadays, less misdiagnosis, not a taboo anymore so young people might be more open to admit it than older people, better treatment/more advanced drugs, so they can definitely live a decent life inside a society and not in a mental health institution, and also its possible people claiming to have something they don't, I think we digged our way to the other side, overdiagnosing, selfdiagnosing etc.

- written
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