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happy father's day!!!

warning: strong stomach required!

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Since writing this post Kalinihta may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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youtu, strong, stomach, warning, required
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
Verified User (7 years, 5 months)
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(23 minutes after post)
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Thank you Kali, for this lovely (and very funny) Post.

In 2005, my dad passed away. I miss him as often as I do my mother - I suppose I will for rest of my life.
If he were here today, I would say, "I love you dad," it was a pleasure to be your son and the honor of it was always mine. Sadly, I know that now more than ever before. I wish we could have had more time together because I always kept discovering more and more of who you were.
Thanks for being there for me when you could - you never missed an important moment and that's far more than what most people get.

(1 hour after post)
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No-Account wrote:
Thank you Kali, for this lovely (and very funny) Post.

In 2005, my dad passed away. I miss him as often as I do my mother - I suppose I will for rest of my life.
If he were here today, I would say, "I love you dad," it was a pleasure to be your son and the honor of it was always mine. Sadly, I know that now more than ever before. I wish we could have had more time together because I always kept discovering more and more of who you were.
Thanks for being there for me when you could - you never missed an important moment and that's far more than what most people get.

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