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How To Clean A Cat

Thoroughly clean the toilet.

Add the required amount of shampoo to the toilet water, and have both lids lifted.

Obtain the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids.

Note: You may need to stand on the lid so that he cannot escape.

CAUTION: Do not get any part of your body
too close to the edge, as his paws will be
reaching out for any surface they can find.

Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power wash and rinse" which I have found to be quite effective.

Have someone to open the door to the outside and ensure that there are no people between the toilet and the outside door.

Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run outside where he will dry himself.

the Dog


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cat, close, toilet, door, lids
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(12 minutes after post)
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That is pretty funny.
I actually have to bathe all my cats every few weeks becayse the breed they are requires it.
But they are fine. They have to put up with it even as tiny babies so they get used to it. Doesn't mean they like it though.

I've never heard of this toilet method. Sounds effective. I will have to give it a go!

(14 minutes after post)
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If you are trying to get your cat killed, hurting yourself, trying to get yourself killed: please, seek professional help!

Call this hotline (1-800-273-8255) operated by our friends at the Catlivesmatter Lifeline, anytime, for free, professional, and confidential assistance. While other Helpers are likely to reply to your post, please make sure you understand that your cat works in mysterious ways.

Note: I'm a robot that Kalinihta programmed. If this response is in error, I apologize, please ignore it.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(1 hour after post)
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Kalinihta wrote:
If you are trying to get your cat killed, hurting yourself, trying to get yourself killed: please, seek professional help!

Call this hotline (1-800-273-8255) operated by our friends at the Catlivesmatter Lifeline, anytime, for free, professional, and confidential assistance. While other Helpers are likely to reply to your post, please make sure you understand that your cat works in mysterious ways.

Note: I'm a robot that the Help-QA creators programmed. If this response is in error, I apologize, please ignore it.


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(4 hours after post)
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Anybody have a cat they could lend me?

Figure if I don't clean the toilet first but flush 3 extra times I can accomplish both!

You would be responsible for getting your cat out of the tree.....

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(18 hours after post)
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Yep I'm definitely sticking to dogs.

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