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I got it out of my system! Post close please

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What's wrong?

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Kalinihta edited this post .

I have a little bit had it..ยฌ Nowadays when you say "I've got this" first response you get is "it's psychological". Well not everything is psychological! ยฌ I've had a runny nose for months. Visited 3 doctors. First one said it's allergies, second it's sinusitis and third suggested it might be psychological! So I decided to do an MRI and turned out to be a huge sinus infection combined with a small cyst. Went to the doctor again and he said I should do a CT because he couldn't see clearly the cyst and I might need a surgery. I decided to ask for a second opinion before taking a CT, so I went to the hospital and the doctor saw the MRI and gave me a spray!!! Just a spray!!!! I've been using the spray for 2 weeks now and last week I woke up to this buzzing sound in my ears. Went to the doctor and he examined my ears, said it's nothing and will go away in a few days. It hasn't gone anywhere, and yesterday I found some blood in my ear. Went to another doctor and he said my hearing is ok and probably the tinnitus is psychological. ยฌ What do I do? I want this sickness and buzzing sound to go away!!! And since when everything is psychological?

Kalinihta edited this post .

Ok. I have a little bit had it.ยฌ Nowadays when you say "I've got this" first response you get is "it's psychological". Well not everything is psychological! ยฌ I've had a runny nose for months. Visited 3 doctors. First one said it's allergies, second it's sinusitis and third suggested it might be psychological! So I decided to do an MRI and turned out toof be a huge sinus infection combined with a small cyst. Went to the doctor again and he said I should do a CT because he couldn't see clearly the cyst and I might need a surgery. I decided to ask for a second opinion before taking a CT, so I went to the hospital and the doctor saw the MRI and gave me a spray!!! Just a spray!!!! I've been using the spray for 2 weeks now and last week I woke up to this buzzing sound in my ears. Wentsystem! Post toclose the doctor and he examined my ears, said it's nothing and will go away in a few days. It hasn't gone anywhere, and yesterday I found some blood in my ear. Went to another doctor and he said my hearing is ok and probably the tinnitus is psychological. ยฌ What do I do? I want this sickness and buzzing sound to go away!!! And since when everything is psychological?please

I'm sorry you've been through this apparent string of nonchalant physicians...
One person I know of was discovered to possess a rare form of brain tumor which was initially assumed to be imagined as well.
My father's gone from scan to scan for his knee pains to little avail (other than physiotherapy), for some time.

Do you intend to try the ct scan and additional tests?

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(2 hours after post)
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I just found the courage to call the other doctor. I told him that I asked a second opinion. He said that in hospitals they don't take responsibilities and that if I don't want to do a CT, I should at least take antibiotics. Thing is, I don't trust him. He's gone from "it could be psychological" to "you might need a surgery". And I don't want to visit another doctor or do CTs for no reason. I think I'll take the antibiotics and see what happens.

Are you reluctant to conduct the scan due to health concerns? Do you have to pay for it?

Perhaps he doesn't possess the speciality / knowledge to detect the anomaly's source, but wouldn't the imaging be beneficial for others who might examine it?

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(3 hours after post)
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Yอคอญอฅฬ‡eti. wrote:
Are you reluctant to conduct the scan due to health concerns? Do you have to pay for it?

Perhaps he doesn't possess the speciality / knowledge to detect the anomaly's source, but wouldn't the imaging be beneficial for others who might examine it?

I'm concerned about the radiation. If you consider that we don't have the most advanced technology, it's better to have as less scans as possible. I'll have to pay for it, but it's the least of my concerns. The doctor at the hospital said that I don't need to do further examine as long as I can breathe. The cyst was small. If I did a CT now, I'd probably need to do a new one in a few months or a year.
I'm just sick of being sick and visiting doctors! Eventually I'll have to do the CT but I'm trying to not do it until it's absolutely necessary.
Thank you very much for talking to me. You've helped me see things more clear.

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