Happy earth

I want our future to be Star Trek, not The Hunger Games.

Where did you grow up?

United States

Where do you live now?

United States

What is the highest level of education you have attained?

BS in Civil Engineering

What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?


What's your favorite sport or sports?

Dog show

What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!


What hobbies are you into?

Space, inventions, and gardening

What causes are you concerned about today?

Human rights and sustainability

If you claim a political party affiliation, which is it?

Politicians are evil.

Which religion (if any) do you follow?

Shia Islam

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Apathy, laziness.

written () ago

What can you do about it in other people? I'm guessing nothing.

What are/were your plans for Halloween?

written () ago

I'm taking my small folk out for trick or treat.

Is it still summer weather where you live?

written () ago

We were still running air conditioning a couple days ago. Today is finally nice and mild. Is your weather weird this year, or usual?

I finally got the job offer!

written () ago

Please cheer and congratulate me - I need as much support as I can get; I'm going to be a middle school science and history assistant teacher.

My family doesn't want me to work.

written () ago

Should I take the job anyway? One individual is trying to sabotage my efforts. The kids just don't like change, and that's perfectly fine, they'll adapt. The other adults in the household are the problem.

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Top Replies
smiley's Top (5) Replies by other users' votes
My manager admitted to me yesterday that she looked at my social media and I donโ€™t know how I feel about it.

If you put it on the internet, it isn't spying, it's public.

Maybe she wants to be your friend.

- written - voted for by WritetheHeroine, Lano
Are people inherently good or evil?

Inherently good, though selfish. We learn to be both better good, and also evil.

An infant is innocent, like an animal. He knows only his own need to survive, not malice nor compassion.

Our life experiences teach us to care about others, but they also teach us how to use others to our own gain.

- written - voted for by verge, Orchid
i hate humanity

Humans are the best and the worst of creatures. Recognizing the evil is only the start. After that you have to find the good, and if you can't find it you have to create it.

- written - voted for by Lawn, Jebus-Zeus
My oldest turned 18 recently.

Can you find some work for her to do, that you pay her for at a reasonable rate, then take her shopping for clothing or other necessities?

(Mow lawn, clean roof gutters, painting....)

- written - voted for by Araz
It sure is a scary time!

I'd like to know if any guys here have ever had their lives ruined by a false accusation of ****rape or sexual assault or harassment.

I'm guessing no.

And how many women here have been *****raped or sexually assaulted or harassed? I'm guessing more than half, possibly up to all.

So to me, the concern about false accusations seems unfounded.

It seems to me that until men and women can treat each other as individual people, not as objects to conquest or to ridicule, we're going to have more of the same. How about all women hating men just avoid women, and all man hating women avoid men? Or better yet, women hating men can treat women like men and man hating women can treat men like women.

- written - voted for by jjlove01
Last 5 Replies - All 472 Replies ยป
Apathy, laziness.

Anonymous wrote:
You have to know what the meaning of "incentives" are.
There is always something that people will rise to.

For example?

- written
Should I have an extramarital affair?

Going to go meet my crush for coffee this evening. I'm still very conflicted and I'm trying to be good and responsible but being irresponsible just seems like it would feel so good. Up to now, I'm innocent, except in daydreams. I think I can manage to stay that way.

- written
What are/were your plans for Halloween?

We went half as far as usual and got twice as much candy. Plenty of adults were participating, but not many kids. Usually the kids in my neighborhood go out in a big group but this year they didn't. My kids dressed as a wolf and a ghost.

- written
Are you woke?

Legalized wrote:
Its a word the progressives use to think there thinking is spot on , no matter how crazed it sounds. Hence the post.
Only woke people know eating aunt jemiah pancakes is racist.


Nobody uses that word on this side of the continent.

- written
Are you woke?

What does "woke" even mean? I only ever hear boomers say it and only ever in a negative context, but I still have no clear idea what it means.

But the other day a friend from California told me it's a real word and not an insult or derogatory term. Must be a west coast thing, I don't know.

- written
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