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i hate humanity

humanity is, in its majority, made of up nothing but monsters.

and i don't mind admitting the weakness in myself. humanity has made me hate. more than i ever thought a human being could hate. maybe it's the double whammy of hating a species i'm part of. so i hate you for making me hate you(because lets face it as a species you deserve worse than a feeling of mine) and thus hate myself for being one of you. it's sickening.

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hate, humanity, monsters, majority
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i hate humanity ¬ ¬ humanity is, in its majority, made of up nothing but monsters.¬ ¬ and i don't mind admitting the weakness in myself. humanity has made me hate. more than i ever thought a human being could hate. maybe it's the double whammy of hating a species i'm part of. so i hate you for making me hate you(because lets face it as a species you deserve worse than a feeling of mine) and thus hate myself for being one of you. it's sickening.

(36 minutes after post)
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i concur and demur at the same time, people can be monsters or angels, it's a choice. but sadly most people choose to be monsters or they dont choose and go with the natural feeling to try and control everyone and everything around them. its why i triple lock my doors at night. you dont lock doors to keep bad people out, you lock the door to keep honest people honest.

Happy earth
(57 minutes after post)
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Humans are the best and the worst of creatures. Recognizing the evil is only the start. After that you have to find the good, and if you can't find it you have to create it.

Original Poster
(1 hour after post)
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smiley wrote:
Humans are the best and the worst of creatures. Recognizing the evil is only the start. After that you have to find the good, and if you can't find it you have to create it.

i found the good and i blew it. but i'm just a human what should i expect.
all jokes aside i'm really old enough to have done it. and i cant seem to find a way to create much of anything. i'm good at destroying though.

(1 hour after post)
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Every act of creation is also an act of destruction. The creation of something new and different, something that has not yet been, demands the destruction of the old and the typical, what is now and what has come before. The presence of destruction is at the core of the creative process itself.

Now, to be clear, in speaking of “destruction” in this way, I of course do not mean destructive acts that result in harm toward self or others, emotionally/physically damaging behavior, violence, etc. There is no argument here to justify such manifestations of destruction, which are certainly not creative, at least not in any positive or healthy sense. However, while there is tragically an excess of destructive incidents that are opposed and antithetical to the process of constructive creation, our experience of our existence as human beings provides a compelling argument for the dynamic of destruction at the heart of creation.

Original Poster
(1 hour after post)
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:
Every act of creation is also an act of destruction. The creation of something new and different, something that has not yet been, demands the destruction of the old and the typical, what is now and what has come before. The presence of destruction is at the core of the creative process itself.

Now, to be clear, in speaking of “destruction” in this way, I of course do not mean destructive acts that result in harm toward self or others, emotionally/physically damaging behavior, violence, etc. There is no argument here to justify such manifestations of destruction, which are certainly not creative, at least not in any positive or healthy sense. However, while there is tragically an excess of destructive incidents that are opposed and antithetical to the process of constructive creation, our experience of our existence as human beings provides a compelling argument for the dynamic of destruction at the heart of creation.

Normally that's true. However, anything created must be done so from essential components. So for the possibility of creation to happen after destruction, there must be the materials and source components to build it.

My creative processes are more like a fire that's been snuffed out. Or when something in my life gets destroyed, there's nothing left to build from.

So think more snuffed out fire
rather than a volcanic process which is closer I feel to what you're describing. Creation through destruction and the like.

(5 hours after post)
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People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

[written by Kent M. Keith.]

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Occasionally it can be nice to take a newscation. Mainstream news is disproportionately negative and doesn't have any practical impact on our lives anyway. Following the news of the world can be very depressing.

So, get away from the mainstream news for a few weeks. Vacation at one of these sites which only feature positive news. Focus on the non-monsters of humanity for a bit. Get inspired. Bask in the warmth.

Good News Network

Sunny Skyz

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