Fb img 1591105178602
last online: 08/05, 4:04
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It sure is a scary time!


Note to self: In the future, keep discussions civil.

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Since writing this post jjlove01 may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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time, youtu, scary
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jjlove01 edited this post .

It sure is a scary time!ยฌ ยฌ https://youtu.be/2Q_ZzBGPdqEN34hehRgw9g

Fb img 1591105178602
(1 hour after post)
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Boys, guys, dudes and men... Those of you who aren't somehow threatened by women... Y'all are TOTALLY appreciated! :-*

(2 hours after post)
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I think the opposite is true for the time we live in - it's not a question if a man is threatened by a woman more than hysterically driven women are threatened by men.
It seems if the "Dude" is in anyway less of a dude, then he isn't such a threat.
For example, I'm a "Dude." I've got certain equipment that likes entertainment and I say it like it is. Smoke? Look, if we're gonna talk about anything, it should be about what you're making for breakfast in the morning...otherwise, I'll bring you back a burger when I get in.
What? Pillow talk? Isn't that why you're friends with that slack-jawed #agg0t (oh, what's it's face - yeah, him) - No...it's time to count sheep. Goodnight.


Maybe not to that extreme but liberal western women have destroyed more men than all combined wars of the 20th century. And y'all keep wondering why your lives are so g0#Amm boring and lifeless

(2 hours after post)
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It took me almost half the flick to realize that is a ring in your nose instead of a loose blob of snot.

Fb img 1591105178602
(12 hours after post)
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Anonymous... Why not just use "Incel" as your screen name? If you can't get your thing entertained by anyone voluntarily, you way want to re-evaluate what you're offering. From here, it sure doesn't sound like you have anything of interest (in your head or anywhere else). ...If you're feeling attacked by feminism, it's no doubt a counter-attack. REAL men value REAL women, and don't have to take what isn't freely given to them. Now run along and make your own breakfast!

As for the song, I just like it, and that's why I shared it ...for the ladies.

SmartAz? She isn't actually here, and probably couldn't care less anyway what you think of her nose ring, or anything else. If that's what you were focused on, you also totally missed the point!

(13 hours after post)
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Funny that it isn't difficult to figure out who replies anonymously by just looking to see who was logged on when the reply was made. It's only going to be 1 of 2-3 people, so you can know who to avoid in the future (and/or who the incels are). ...lol

Drawn log viking 19
(14 hours after post)
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There is an issue going on regarding sexuality and the rights attached to this however.

As a man you are guilty of whatever people blame you for till you're proven innocent. And even then it'll still cost you your job, reputation and possibly friends and family. This makes dating akin to "kicking a hornets nest and praying no ones home".

Which is more stressful than it is rewarding (And by reward I mean the pleasant night out / the dopamine rush from the excitement of meeting new people.) This currently is gone.

Furthermore. I believe if one is afraid to stand behind their words then one shouldn't share them to begin with. (In regards to anonymity)

Happy earth
(15 hours after post)
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People, especially men, have forgotten social skills, like dignity and respect.

Fb img 1591105178602
(15 hours after post)
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Legion wrote:
There is an issue going on regarding sexuality and the rights attached to this however.

As a man you are guilty of whatever people blame you for till you're proven innocent. And even then it'll still cost you your job, reputation and possibly friends and family. This makes dating akin to "kicking a hornets nest and praying no ones home".

Which is more stressful than it is rewarding (And by reward I mean the pleasant night out / the dopamine rush from the excitement of meeting new people.) This currently is gone.

Furthermore. I believe if one is afraid to stand behind their words then one shouldn't share them to begin with. (In regards to anonymity)

Anything other than a "yes" is always a "no". When men follow that simple rule, they have nothing to fear. If a woman wants more than a "date", she'll definitely let a guy know it.

Fb img 1591105178602
(15 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:
People, especially men, have forgotten social skills, like dignity and respect.

Not ALL men are that way. Just the ones who reply like Mr Incel Anon above^^^, who seems to think he is entitled to take whatever he wants. If a guy can't get laid in this day and time, that's on him, not all the women of the world.

Drawn log viking 19
(17 hours after post)
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jj01 wrote:

Anything other than a "yes" is always a "no". When men follow that simple rule, they have nothing to fear. If a woman wants more than a "date", she'll definitely let a guy know it.

Two issues, first of: power balance, in office we have to make certain every interaction is recorded on video now. For the simple reason that false accusing a colleague of intimidation with the motive to get this colleague fired and/or take his job is a real thing that more than a few women are guilty of. As a rule we see many companies either hiring less women or no women at all. (Risks/costs is something you try to avoid and #metoo is both.)

Secondly: A yes might turn into a no 2/3/4 weeks down the road. We've all had sexual encounters we weren't satisfied with. As a man you call this a mistake, as a woman this gives you a chance to ruin a life as evidence has become optional. Even if there is no conviction, cases can drag on for months and all the costs will be enough to bankrupt "your victim of choice". (And added, my country is working on a law where you can state you revert your consent: turning any sexual encounter you ever had into a ****rape case at will.)

As a result, I come back to my hornets nest reference. Why risk getting involved with women at all? If the risks outweigh any possible rewards. As lately it seems no good deed goes unpunished.

Apparently saying "good morning" is already harassment. So to be honest, I understand the fear. Men have lots to lose, and little to gain.

I agree that ****rape is horrible, and rapists should be punished if not cut from society altogether.

But the problem is, women are now handed great power with zero responsibility over it. The law almost seems to assume women never lie...

Also where do we draw the line, is me being in the same room as a woman harassment? Or me disagreeing with her? Some would say yes to that already, and given any form of harassment can be used as grounds to be fired I'd much rather invest my time in increasing work skills and enjoying passtimes alone. Rather than risk losing my income and actual freedom over a misunderstanding.

Till men and women are legally equal also in responsibility and family court, I'm inclined to be cautious.

Fb img 1591105178602
(17 hours after post)
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There is probably several good reasons why people shouldn't entertain workplace romances. ...Maybe your company is recording interactions to also have proof when an accusation is true?

Either way, I don't like it when anyone, male or female is a victim of someone else's bad behavior, but I doubt there are as many false claims of sexual assault as there are real ones. What should a real ****rape victim do, keep it to herself, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings?

Drawn log viking 19
(17 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:
People, especially men, have forgotten social skills, like dignity and respect.

Most haven't though, really.

It's just that being kind is met with either caution or hostility. And eventually you stop trying.

Let's take a classic example, wishing one another a good day or keeping a door open if you see someone approaching.

The amount of times I've been accused to sexism, harassment or being "problematic" for holding a door open in the past two years could fill a small novel. Thus I still keep the door open, I still wish people a good day.

But only if that someone is another man. Safer that way.

Edit: If I hold the door I don't want to date you, a "thank you" would already make my day. But I see you've already twisted the intention to the negative. Which is kinda sad.

Fb img 1591105178602
(17 hours after post)
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I hold doors open for people all the time. It's just good manners, but yes, I have known men who think that, just because you're nice to them, you want more, which is hardly ever the case

Drawn log viking 19
(17 hours after post)
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jj01 wrote:
There is probably several good reasons why people shouldn't entertain workplace romances. ...Maybe your company is recording interactions to also have proof when an accusation is true?

Either way, I don't like it when anyone, male or female is a victim of someone else's bad behavior, but I doubt there are as many false claims of sexual assault as there are real ones. What should a real ****rape victim do, keep it to herself, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings?

Are you deliberately missing the point?

I'm not talking about romances, coaching a female colleague can already get you in trouble if it's not recorded. She just has to make up any charge and you're done for.

Real ****rape victims should go to the police, and not tweet their hashtags on Twitter like a vengeful banshee.

Also, roughly 80% of harassment accusations in my country were fabrications. And I'm willing to go as far as to say 50% of all "rapes" here never actually happened.

Edit: and then there's this c*nt https://youtu.be/1TzTCWfiRew (and these cases are becoming more common).

Fb img 1591105178602
(17 hours after post)
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Wow! Remind me not to come to your country. It's bad enough in my own, where we even have a president who admits to groping women, and has been accused by at least 19 women of sexual assault. 19 women who don't even know each other, can't all be making it up about one really disgusting man!

Anyhoo, the song is very good! :-

Drawn log viking 19
(18 hours after post)
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Regarding primarily women:
The issue regarding repercussions is the most difficult part of it all though. From one side you could send a false accuser to jail for a long time, from the other you also don't want to scare actual victims away from reporting it.

Regarding men however:
Since #metoo took off the amount of accusations has grown over 10x. This on it's own wouldn't be a problem if the law worked. However many who have been acquitted still lost their family (divorce) still lost their jobs, still lost their integrity. Which can be seen in the male suicide number... Which has damn near tripped in the past two years. (Now nr 1 cause of death amongst men ages 18-50) (second being cancer and third cardiovascular issues) it would be nice if innocent until proven guilty was anything more than hollow words.

Fb img 1591105178602
(18 hours after post)
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Women have notoriously underreported sexual assault, because it's usually them who gets blamed for it. Skirt was too short. She had one too many cocktails. She wore too much makeup...etc. I think the whole me too movement came about to make them less afraid of doing so when it happens. I think there are far fewer women who would just make something up than you seem to think there are. Even when they are molested, many are not believed. As a woman, I can say for sure that it happens far more than it should. Almost every woman I know has a story to tell about some creep who tried to violate her as young as 13-14.

Drawn log viking 19
(18 hours after post)
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And now that women have true equality here they're steadily starting to realise how much it sucks.

#metoo was a weapon. An awakening that no woman can truly be fully trusted "in the legal sense". So the way we interact with one another has changed. It has become hostile and it will remain as such.

Happy earth
(18 hours after post)
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Legion wrote:
it will remain as such.


Isn't the way to end harm to address the harm? Ignoring, denying, covering up only leads to more.

Drawn log viking 19
(19 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:

Legion wrote:
it will remain as such.


Isn't the way to end harm to address the harm? Ignoring, denying, covering up only leads to more.

Given there's no repercussions for false accusations and a woman can ruin your life in one word here I honestly see no way relations will restore in the near future.

And as long as a woman's word has more value than a man's life why would we "as men" bother with them at all?

Fb img 1591105178602
(20 hours after post)
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I don't know where you live, but women are not treated equally in the USA. In fact, the politicians currently in charge here are trying to take us backwards 100 years.

Fb img 1591105178602
(20 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:


Isn't the way to end harm to address the harm? Ignoring, denying, covering up only leads to more.


Fb img 1591105178602
(20 hours after post)
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Legion wrote:

...why would we men bother with them at all?

Don't then! Just stop trying! There's plenty of good men to go around (even for other men who just aren't into women, such as yourself). We'd rather not be "bothered" by the rest of them... which is the whole point!

Fb img 1591105178602
(20 hours after post)
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Legion wrote:

#metoo was a weapon.

You should move to the US. If a woman steps fwd here to say what a guy did to her in HS, they will shun her, and give him a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court.

Fb img 1591105178602
(20 hours after post)
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"False allegations of sexual assault are rareโ€”a 2010 peer-reviewed study found that, of sexual assault charges made to police, the number that are proven false are between 2 and 10 percent, a statistic that does not include unreported allegations, which experts estimate make up anywhere between 80 to 95 percent of incidents. The point Lab makes in her song is backed up, then, by simple math: Even using the generous end of those estimates, if 1,000 sexual assaults occur, only 200 of them would be reported to police. Of those, 20 might be false. Which means that two out of every 100 allegations, regardless of who theyโ€™re reported to, might be false."

Drawn log viking 19
(20 hours after post)
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jj01 wrote:

Legion wrote:

...why would we men bother with them at all?

Don't then! Just stop trying! There's plenty of good men to go around (even for other men who just aren't into women, such as yourself). We'd rather not be "bothered" by the rest of them... which is the whole point!

I still have my hope in Eastern European women. They haven't been completely intoxicated with anti-male hatred "yet".

Fb img 1591105178602
(20 hours after post)
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You still haven't said where you live, but even here in the US, it isn't about being anti-male AT ALL... It's about being anti-pervert. And I'm pretty sure that no matter where women are from, most don't want unwelcome attention, or to be *****raped, or otherwise assaulted. You should probably stick to speaking for perverts, because you're not only completely unqualified to speak for women, but you aren't very good at it either!

Drawn log viking 19
(20 hours after post)
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jj01 wrote:
You still haven't said where you live, but even here in the US, it isn't about being anti-male AT ALL... It's about being anti-pervert. And I'm pretty sure that no matter where women are from, most don't want unwelcome attention, or to be *****raped, or otherwise assaulted. You should probably stick to speaking for perverts, because you're not only completely unqualified to speak for women, but you aren't very good at it either!

Ad hominem. Beautiful.

(20 hours after post)
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Going to have to close this post if we can't keep the personal attacks out of the debate.

Remember, we're all people on the other side of our screen names. We are all here to help, and bringing each other down is the opposite of helpful.

Fb img 1591105178602
(21 hours after post)
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Legion wrote:
I still have my hope in Eastern European women. They haven't been completely intoxicated with anti-male hatred "yet".

"The fact of the matter is, if you havenโ€™t been in an abusive relationship, you donโ€™t really know what the experience is like. Furthermore, itโ€™s quite hard to predict what you would do in the same situation. I find that the people most vocal about what they wouldโ€™ve done in the same situation often have no clue what they are talking about โ€“ they have never been in the same situation themselves.
By invalidating the survivorโ€™s experience, these people are defending an image of themselves that they identify with strength, not realizing that abuse survivors are often the strongest individuals out there. Theyโ€™ve been belittled, criticized, demeaned, devalued, and yet theyโ€™ve still survived. The judgmental ones often have little to no life experience regarding these situations, yet they feel quite comfortable silencing the voices of people whoโ€™ve actually been there."
~Shahida Arabi

Happy earth
(21 hours after post)
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I'd like to know if any guys here have ever had their lives ruined by a false accusation of ****rape or sexual assault or harassment.

I'm guessing no.

And how many women here have been *****raped or sexually assaulted or harassed? I'm guessing more than half, possibly up to all.

So to me, the concern about false accusations seems unfounded.

It seems to me that until men and women can treat each other as individual people, not as objects to conquest or to ridicule, we're going to have more of the same. How about all women hating men just avoid women, and all man hating women avoid men? Or better yet, women hating men can treat women like men and man hating women can treat men like women.

Fb img 1591105178602
(21 hours after post)
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I like you, Smiley. You're a realist! :-)

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(1 day after post)
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smiley wrote:
I'd like to know if any guys here have ever had their lives ruined by a false accusation of ****rape or sexual assault or harassment.

Here??? You mean here at the Help Site that is a mere shadow of its former member participants?

What I want to know is how much Penguin I'm eating from my Dolphin-free tuna....?

Smiley wrote:
I'm guessing no.

Why are you guessing....? All you need to do is ask the same question in an industrial max-slam prison - because guys whose lives are destroyed by false accusations of ****rape and molestation aren't found in "therapy."
They are spending near-life sentences in prison. It's not called a "Prison Industry," without a reason. A woman seldom ever has to face who she is accusing and many States will carry charges on their behalf - it's never about right or wrong or innocence or guilt, it's about "safer-than-sorry" and who becomes the most liable.

Smiley wrote:
And how many women here have been *****raped or sexually assaulted or harassed? I'm guessing more than half, possibly up to all.

Guessing again??? I want to know when guessing became the goddamm founding cornerstone of the critical decision-making process... Guessing wouldn't be the choice of instrument to determine your fate but why does it seem acceptable when regarding someone else?

Smiley wrote:
So to me, the concern about false accusations seems unfounded.

To you? Of course - it's you. It's not that it lacks founding, it really seems to be based on the way you....feel....

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
last online: 12/14, 0:56
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(1 day after post)
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Studies suggest the prevalence of false reporting on sexual assault is between 2% and 10%, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.

And there's a big caveat to those numbers: "Research shows that rates of false reporting are frequently inflated, in part because of inconsistent definitions and protocols," the resource center said.

Fb img 1591105178602
(1 day after post)
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Slash wrote:

To you? Of course - it's you. It's not that it lacks founding, it really seems to be based on the way you....feel....

Actually, you're right. There is no need to guess, when every study on sexual assault says the same thing: only 2-10% of such accusations are fabricated. You should do your own research, rather than going by your "feelings", which are wrong.

Fb img 1591105178602
(1 day after post)
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Slash wrote:
Guessing again??? I want to know when guessing became the goddamm founding cornerstone of the critical decision-making process... Guessing wouldn't be the choice of instrument to determine your fate but why does it seem acceptable when regarding someone else...

Soooo much GUESSING going on!!... (YW)


Happy earth
(1 day after post)
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Why is this person so angry?

Have you or someone you care about been falsely accused and had your life ruined? Why is this subject so personal to you @BA1 ?

Ten percent is not insignificant.

But for perspective, compare that to the number of sexual attacks that go unreported.

Both shouldn't happen. A victim shouldn't fear reporting and an innocent person shouldn't fear false accusations. So what's the solution that will resolve both?

Fb img 1591105178602
(1 day after post)
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"****Rape is the most under-reported crime; 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police"

(1 day after post)
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Prompting, pushing, and prodding a person about their past- especially something as sensitive as this- in order to prove a point is both cruel and abusive. Nobody is required to disclose anything about their past.

Throwing facts in somebodyโ€™s face and telling them theyโ€™re wrong over and over again- again, unacceptable behavior.

It is clear that this topic can not be discussed without involving the other correspondents personally and discussion is clearly unhelpful for either side.

Closing this post. Any further attempt to push the discussion on anybody will be not be tolerated.

jjlove01 edited this post .

It sure is a scary time!ยฌ ยฌ https://youtu.be/N34hehRgw9gยฌ ยฌ Note to self: In the future, don't share songs that make boys uncomfortable.

Rockster160 edited this post .

It sure is a scary time!ยฌ ยฌ https://youtu.be/N34hehRgw9gยฌ ยฌ Note to self: In the future, don'tkeep sharediscussions songs that make boys uncomfortablecivil.

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