Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc

Retired Army officer. Military advisor. Security consultant. Private investigator.

Where did you grow up?


Where do you live now?


What is the highest level of education you have attained?


What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?


What's your favorite sport or sports?


What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!

military, security, investigations

What hobbies are you into?

shooting, military arms

What causes are you concerned about today?

The destruction of values

If you claim a political party affiliation, which is it?

Neither party is currently deserving.

Which religion (if any) do you follow?


Sherlock has 36 friends. Here are 30 of them.
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It's been a long time since I've posted anything .

written () ago

. . this might be a good time to throw out something. So far Covid-19 has claimed 323,000 lives worldwide. Millions have lost their jobs. Hundreds of thousands of businesses have had to close. People are being plunged into poverty. And why? It is because the Chinese Communist government lied to the world. The Communists "disappeared" journalists and silenced doctors who were warning the world about the outbreak. The Communist government sealed off Wuhan from the rest of China while...

Leaving Africa now--will be in Paris by morning!

written () ago

Everyone should read this article from Field & Stream magazine, whether you've experienced depression or not.

written () ago

Some of us have it without even knowing it. Here you go:

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter!

written () ago

Hope this day is a special one for you!

Re: the Great Gun Control Debate, I received an email today from a user, and I will reply to it, keeping everything as short as possible .

written () ago

. .

All Claimed Posts ยป

Top Replies
Sherlock's Top (5) Replies by other users' votes
This is gonna be an unusual one, but appropriate for this site.

Dear JN, in the USA the results of an inquest would be a matter of public record. It would appear to be the case in the UK, as well.

I have also worked as a private investigator in Canada. Fees are quite expensive, I assure you.

I suggest that you bid your friend goodbye, and move on. Your lives intersected, and I am sure that he was also the better for it. But death claims all in the end.

Keep in your heart those things that he gave you that made you a better person--and let him go.

- written - voted for by Araz, Padre_J_Roulston, soco, Rockster160
Advice needed.

You need a new doctor/therapist, as the ones you've had were incompetent.

You also need to develop a passion about SOMETHING--art, cars, nature, astronomy, archaeology--whatever.

And you need to get out of the house.

First step--Starbuck's green tea latte, large size. And a cheese Danish.

You will feel better--I guarantee it!

- written - voted for by Araz, WritetheHeroine, Legion
Legion has left the building.

There's a funny thing about being in difficulty . . .

People whom you thought were your friends may desert you.

And then people you didn't really know were your friends go out of their way to help you.

- written - voted for by ~CaraMia~, Max, Nix

Relationships are complicated. While you are sorting out a problem is not a time to enter a new one.

- written - voted for by Piphanson, twosocks, Manthy
Is "sherlockian" still active here?

Still here!

- written - voted for by smiley, DocteurRalph
Last 5 Replies - All 755 Replies ยป
Is "sherlockian" still active here?

Still here!

- written
Many of you here remember our friend littlenick.

I have been communicating with Little Nick. He is active on Facebook. My little cat Guinevere was put to sleep the week before last. She was very sick. These are devastating things.

And I am once again a stranger ib a strange land.

- written
Lately I've been dreaming stuff.

The next time you have this dream, light into this character and beat the stuffings out of him. Call upon magical powers you have if you need to. Take control of the dream!

- written
Every time I show up here, you can hear the echo of my posts since I'm the only one here.

Wait! I can hear crickets!

- written
What is the most ethical profession?

The two worst: doctors and lawyers.

- written
Sherlock's conversations are tagged...