
I'm Eddieee

Where did you grow up?

Nope, not doing that

Where do you live now?

I'm right here

What is the highest level of education you have attained?

I'm still learning

What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?


What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!

Best never to work! Instead, enjoy what you do in life

Eddieee has 33 friends. Here are 30 of them.
16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
Fractal scatter
Animation2 2
1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
Screenshot 20201225 201925 google
6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
Fb img 1683336237907
Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
Fairies in the woods
198963 1008455105016 1896 n
75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
Drawn log viking 19
Img 2679
Hiippie chick beautiful
2b7d4078 f1e4 45cb a285 98a00bb270f8
Cb97425f a27b 4dd6 a43b e54138790934
Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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written () ago

once cut

Colours make Promises

written () ago

Colours make you cheery,

Colours Descending

written () ago

A succession of tests,


written () ago

Deep inside my breath


written () ago

Time to get up,

All Claimed Posts ยป

Top Replies
Eddieee's Top (5) Replies by other users' votes
Not sure if anyone is interested but the original Help started in 1999.

Rockster160 wrote:
Well if I start sucking, let me know. ๐Ÿ˜„

I have a feeling you care more then CBS

- written - voted for by DocteurRalph, Pixels
What is thee time?

Such a good HelpBot, Good boy

- written - voted for by Rockster160, Pixels
How do I let go

Get some paper and a pencil.
Now sit down in a comfy place and ponder all the things that make you smile. Even the briefest and simplest of ideas count. As they come to you, write them down. Don't dwell, just write. Don't rush either, there are no points given to those that finish first.
While this exercise in no way tells you how to be happy, it may lead you in the right direction.
Good luck

- written - voted for by ~CaraMia~
Any suggestions to help pick up the usage of help

Dolly wrote:
Help gave me people to talk to
A reason to stay unwell
A club for the mentally unstable
Friends I still talk to everyday

I wonder if it is for the best to wish the site to grow? Or if it is time for a last goodbye

I think we all have reasons and choices, both made and to make.
Still, I belive did more good then bad.

- written - voted for by ~CaraMia~
It's a very clever clock

Would you look at that, Helpbot isn't triggered by "Crazy".

*Takes note ;)

- written - voted for by BA1
Last 5 Replies - All 185 Replies ยป

Thank you Araz and soco, I miss this place too

- written
Poem: With eyes closed

Seldom is jumping a good option, there is always more than one way or path . .

- written
Six tips for a [hopefully] stress-free Holiday.

Umm, dread much?
I thought the holidays were for embracing what you love and smiling for it

- written
Colours make Promises

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
sounds like leaving childhood

That is the amazing thing about poetry, it lives, and has a whole life within our interpretation . .

- written
Colours make Promises

savanna.017 wrote:

Breathe S, there are brilliant adventures in every layer

- written
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