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Poem: With eyes closed

So I've decided
I'll close my eyes for a while
Not in delusion but
so I don't have to look upon
All the chaos I have wrought

Theres so much screaming
Of what if's and should be's
So many worries for a nature I wont change
So much strife in their judgment
In guilt and in failure
But I only want quiet

There's a war in my mind
And it has become my priority
Let the world around me burn
I just don't want to destroy myself
Not again, not when there's still a hope of peace

But whats the harm, if I'm already broken
What is consequence to madness?
Does it even acknowledge anything more than this?
The definition of suffering is not unique.

I don't want to be the sum of my demons
But I don't want to have a benevolent heart
That will freeze and thaw and ache
So in the end I can only observe
Try to see a care or a purpose in the world
Try to feel what is truly behind these words

The bridge is on fire
But i'm neither willing to fight
Nor step off the clif-face
So I suppose I'll just exist for a while
Lost again in limbo
But that darkness consumes so much
And nothing makes sense

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world, lost, close, eyes, limbo
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savanna.017 edited this post .

poem¬ ¬ SoAgain I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in limbo¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in delusion but ¬ so I don't have to look upon¬ All the chaos I have wrought ¬ ¬ Theres so much screaming¬ Of what should be ¬ So many worries ¬ for what I wont change ¬ So much strife from their judgment¬ But I only want peace ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world burn around me ¬ I just don't want to killdestroy myself ¬ Not again ¬ ¬ But whats the harm, if I'm already broken ¬ What is consequence to madness? ¬ But I don't want to be the sum of my demons¬ And I don't want to be benevolent ¬ ¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ Try to see a care in the world ¬ But I don't want to be my demons¬ And I don't want to be benevolent ¬ ¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ Try to see a care in the world ¬ Try to feel what is truly behind these words ¬ ¬ The bridge is on fire but¬ i'm Neither willing to fight nor step off the clif-face ¬ The bridge is on fire but ill.. just close my eyes fir a while ¬ ¬ Because I don't want the suffering that comes with fighting ¬ And I cannot yet walk away¬ So hereI suppose I'sll tojust beingexist lostfor a while in limbo..

savanna.017 edited this post .

AgainPoem: With closed eyes¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in limbo¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in delusion but ¬ so I don't have to look upon¬ All the chaos I have wrought ¬ ¬ Theres so much screaming¬ Of what should be ¬ Too many worries ¬ For what I wont change ¬ So many worries ¬ for what I wont change ¬ So much strife fromunder their judgment¬ But I only want peace ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world burn around me ¬ I just don't want to destroy myself¬ Not again¬ ¬ But whats the harm, if I'm already broken ¬ Not again ¬ ¬ But whats the harm, if I'm already broken ¬ What is consequence to madness? ¬ But I don't want to be the sum of my demons¬ And I don't want to behave a benevolent ¬ ¬ So heart¬ ¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ Try to see a care or a purpose in the world ¬ Try to feel what is truly behind these words ¬ ¬ The bridgebride is on fire¬ But but¬ i'm Neitherneither willing to fight¬ Nor nor step off the clif-face ¬ So I suppose I'll just exist for a while¬ Lost again in limbo..¬ But that darkness consumes so much

savanna.017 edited this post .

Poem: With closed eyes¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in delusion but ¬ so I don't have to look upon¬ All the chaos I have wrought ¬ ¬ Theres so much screaming¬ Of what should be ¬ Too many worries ¬ For what I wont change ¬ So many worries ¬ For what I wont change ¬ So much strife under their judgment¬ But I only want a quiet peace ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world burn around me ¬ I just don't want to destroy myself¬ Not again¬ ¬ But whats the harm, if I'm already broken ¬ What is consequence to madness? ¬ But I don't want to be the sum of my demons¬ And I don't want to have a benevolent heart¬ ¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ Try to see a care or a purpose in the world ¬ Try to feel what is truly behind these words ¬ ¬ The bride is on fire¬ But i'm neither willing to fight¬ Nor step off the clif-face ¬ So I suppose I'll just exist for a while¬ Lost again in limbo¬ But that darkness consumes so much

savanna.017 edited this post .

Poem: With eyes closed¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in delusion but ¬ so I don't have to look upon¬ All the chaos I have wrought ¬ ¬ Theres so much screaming¬ Of what if's and should be's¬ So many worries for a nature I wont change ¬ So much strife in their judgment, and also in failure¬ But I only want quiet ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world burn around me ¬ I just don't want to destroy myself¬ Not again, not when there's still a hope of peace¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in delusion but ¬ so I don't have to look upon¬ All the chaos I have wrought ¬ ¬ Theres so much screaming¬ Of what should be ¬ So many worries ¬ For what I wont change ¬ So much strife under their judgment¬ But I only want a quiet peace ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world burn around me ¬ I just don't want to destroy myself¬ Not again¬ ¬ But whats the harm, if I'm already broken ¬ What is consequence to madness? ¬ Does it even acknowledge anything more than this?¬ The definition of suffering is not unique.¬ ¬ I don't want to be the sum of my demons¬ But I don't want to be the sum of my demons¬ And I don't want to have a benevolent heart¬ ¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ Try to see a care or a purpose in the world ¬ Try to feel what is truly behind these words ¬ ¬ The bride is on fire¬ But i'm neither willing to fight¬ Nor step off the clif-face ¬ So I suppose I'll just exist for a while¬ Lost again in limbo¬ But that darkness consumes so much¬ And nothing makes sense

savanna.017 edited this post .

Poem: With eyes closed¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in delusion but ¬ so I don't have to look upon¬ All the chaos I have wrought ¬ ¬ Theres so much screaming¬ Of what if's and should be's¬ So many worries for a nature I wont change ¬ So much strife in their judgment¬ In guilt and in failure¬ But I only want quiet ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world around me burn¬ I just don't want to destroy myself¬ Not again, and also in failure¬ But I only want quiet ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world burn around me ¬ I just don't want to destroy myself¬ Not again, not when there's still a hope of peace¬ ¬ But whats the harm, if I'm already broken ¬ What is consequence to madness? ¬ Does it even acknowledge anything more than this?¬ The definition of suffering is not unique.¬ ¬ I don't want to be the sum of my demons¬ But I don't want to have a benevolent heart¬ That will freeze and thaw and ache ¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ Try to see a care or a purpose in the world ¬ Try to feel what is truly behind these words ¬ ¬ The bride is on fire¬ But i'm neither willing to fight¬ Nor step off the clif-face ¬ So I suppose I'll just exist for a while¬ Lost again in limbo¬ But that darkness consumes so much¬ And nothing makes sense

savanna.017 edited this post .

Poem: With eyes closed¬ ¬ So I've decided ¬ I'll close my eyes for a while ¬ Not in delusion but ¬ so I don't have to look upon¬ All the chaos I have wrought ¬ ¬ Theres so much screaming¬ Of what if's and should be's¬ So many worries for a nature I wont change ¬ So much strife in their judgment¬ In guilt and in failure¬ But I only want quiet ¬ ¬ There's a war in my mind ¬ And it has become my priority¬ Let the world around me burn¬ I just don't want to destroy myself¬ Not again, not when there's still a hope of peace¬ ¬ But whats the harm, if I'm already broken ¬ What is consequence to madness? ¬ Does it even acknowledge anything more than this?¬ The definition of suffering is not unique.¬ ¬ I don't want to be the sum of my demons¬ But I don't want to have a benevolent heart¬ That will freeze and thaw and ache ¬ So in the end I can only observe¬ Try to see a care or a purpose in the world ¬ Try to feel what is truly behind these words ¬ ¬ The bridebridge is on fire¬ But i'm neither willing to fight¬ Nor step off the clif-face ¬ So I suppose I'll just exist for a while¬ Lost again in limbo¬ But that darkness consumes so much¬ And nothing makes sense

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Eyes wide shut. One of my favorite Cruse movies.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Thanks for Posting, Savanna - excellent poem. It rings back memories of decades long ago for me.


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Seldom is jumping a good option, there is always more than one way or path . .

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