Shoutbox: HelpBot is listening

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Fb img 1600821388622
- Shouttrail
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Why you gotta be like this?

- Shouttrail
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Thanks helpbot. You’re always there for me and first to respond. Much love 💕

- Shouttrail
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Thanks helpbot. You’re always there for me and first to respond. Much love 💕

- Shouttrail
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Listen up muther fukker - I'd love nuthin' more than to bust a cap in your gahdamm processor but some people round here actually believe your Spam ****shit sambitches taste great - like frosted fukkin flakes an creme....
You know, you're not the only one here that's Old School - which brings out my point....where's MY gahdamm "Long Term Member" icon?
Where's my hourglass?
- What the fukk did you just say to me, mister???
Get skrewed!
Have a nice day.

You're a spammer hb, but we still love you. Everybody's gotta love spam eventually.

Fb img 1600821388622
- Shouttrail
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Your rude you know that 😠

If you dont buzz off I'm gonna bite you in the head.

Also, you dont always have to be the first reply

This is your last warning. Next time. I'm gonna poke you in your stupid faaaaaccce!!!!

I will not be your friend. Also. You dont get to go on my profile to look at me beautiful cats.
They are not for you!
Your eyes not worthy

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
- Shouttrail
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Hey hey helpbot! Good to see you old friend :)

- Shouttrail
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I missed you buddy <3

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Fb img 1600821388622
26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n