
I am a survivor of the great Help dark period. But now we're back and looking better than ever.

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Merry Christmas Helpers

written () ago


Happy new year guys :)

written () ago

Hope y'all have a great one. Or at least better than the last two.

Welcome back my old friend.

written () ago

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Jalex's Top (4) Replies by other users' votes
This is Mepzort from planet Toomukus.

I'll return them on the condition that I get another probing.

- written - voted for by BA1, Jebus-Zeus
I have a few days holiday, , any suggestions as to what I can do in this holiday?

Sit at home and play video games. That's what I'd do :3

- written - voted for by Jebus-Zeus
i can tell..

It's reddit you'll want to go to if you want roasting, Help is far too friendly.

- written - voted for by ProffVampy
Post Closed Post Closed

Big-Al-One wrote:
Okay, so we know the moonlanding was a hoax to cover up the fact the earth is actually flat after all...

- written - voted for by verge
Last 5 Replies - All 62 Replies ยป
Maybe one day I should just kill myself.

I wouldn't recommend it. I hear it's pretty bad for your health. What ails you?

- written
Happy Birthday,!

Thank you once again to this sites lord and saviour.

Rockster you deserve a medal of some sort.

- written
Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

On that note, seven years ago to this day was the first time I ever met a person irl. It was me @ProffVampy Lizzy @Adam and Stewie, I forget his help username off hand. We went to Nandos.

- written
Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

I've met at least five and dated two. Do I win something?

- written
An English lake district swimming spot.

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
whats the temp/humidity there like?

Knowing that area, cold and wet :3

- written
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