last online: 10/09, 19:48
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This is Mepzort from planet Toomukus.

It seems a couple of things were reported missing after your last ****anal probing.We are not accusing you but if you did take them you will have to return them.Expect a follow up call from our investigator Wendy from planet Retardia on thursday. The Biaviian alien O-Qua Tangin Wann will also be contacted about the missing pieces. a significant amount of knowledge was uploaded into your brain by the aliens

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Since writing this post Jebus-Zeus may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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brain, missing, planet, aliens, uploaded
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last online: 10/22, 23:26
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(18 hours after post)
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If you didn't want me to smuggle those things home in my ***ass, you shouldn't have put them there in the first place!

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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(18 hours after post)
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P.S. STOP probing my A**!!!

(20 hours after post)
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Fern wrote:
P.S. STOP probing my A**!!!

why, dont you like a good ***ass probing?

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:

Fern wrote:
P.S. STOP probing my A**!!!

why, dont you like a good ***ass probing?

Not as much as you like probing *****asses. PERVERT!

(20 hours after post)
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Fern wrote:

Jebus-Zeus wrote:

Fern wrote:
P.S. STOP probing my A**!!!

why, dont you like a good ***ass probing?

Not as much as you like probing *****asses. PERVERT!

is just our job as aliens to probe all craters

(20 hours after post)
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as they lean to you
the small folk inside the
picture tube or the breaded
face in the shaving window
cutting itself while you bleed
fronting a museum of prescription
vials, potency long expired,
brewing obnoxious odors
beneath childhood caps;
as they lean to you
with the force of living things
you wonder: do they adhere
to you from habit, sunk into
a static continuity fully
as valid as your own...

(20 hours after post)
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[Begin Transmission]


I am sorry to interrupt your normally scheduled programming but my name is Poctieralist Vyrlin Leusthersic, otherwise known as simply "The Poctor", and I am in search of [indiscernible] but most importantly I am in search of a traveler named Qluerwin. He is one of the last of [indiscernible]...


[End Transmission]

last online: 10/22, 23:26
Verified User (6 years, 11 months)
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(20 hours after post)
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Yep. As static as you are, I smelled you coming.
Hard to hide the stench

(20 hours after post)
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Every time I dream I return to the same world. I am an architect, the landscape and the city have become a monument to my life there, a life which seems to have spanned thousands of years of memories, walking through the halls and galleries of my dreams.

When I return to waking I am only the architect of my own prison.
The cracks rise- you've fallen through them now, and this is what lies below. Empty and dark, it stretches on. Let it dig new eyes into you.
Just beneath the surface lurks a series of portals to alternate dimensions.

Out beyond the windows of wrought iron and glass, the street thunders, its ordinarily benign occupants now chanting and roaring and cheering, as if in the throws of some mad ritual. They wave their broken signs and tattered banners, they cry their mournful slogans, and in the very depths of the city, something stirs.

(22 hours after post)
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I'll return them on the condition that I get another probing.

(23 hours after post)
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Jalex wrote:
I'll return them on the condition that I get another probing.

your in luck, for just $19.95 you can get 2 probes for one... cha cha cha ching!

Fb img 1683336237907
(1 day after post)
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sorry i made a wrong turn and ended up here.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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I'm guessing you want probing as well, Aeolian.😂

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your all on the probing highway

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