2b7d4078 f1e4 45cb a285 98a00bb270f8

I'm me... been a part of help since 2006 and thru the help depression era!

Where did you grow up?

Midwest, USA

Where do you live now?

Louisiana, USA

What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Associates Degree

What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?

Criminal Justice

What's your favorite sport or sports?

Blah... none

What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!

Paralegal, Nursing

If you claim a political party affiliation, which is it?


Which religion (if any) do you follow?

I am a Christian.

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Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

written () ago

Like really pick a place and all meet up, I think it would be amazing! I’ve met 2 helpers... lived (relationship) with 1 of those 2!

I was born and raised in the wrong decades...

written () ago

I love 80s big hair bands!!

Hey bitches...

This post is closed.
written () ago

I’m back! Broke up with Dave and I am freeeeeeee! How is everyone!?!

What's the point in posting anon?

written () ago

The avatars stay the same each time, leading to people knowing the identity of the person. It kind of defeats the purpose!


written () ago

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Top Replies
Prttytrisha's Top (3) Replies by other users' votes
McDonald's Thanksgiving Parade is airing now on WGN in Chicago.

Hahaha! Yes, going up into your "G".I. tract!

- written - voted for by BA1, DocteurRalph
Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

Yeah for sure! I’ve met @Araz and it was like we knew each other forever it was awesome!

- written - voted for by Araz

I love you guys!

- written - voted for by BA1
Last 5 Replies - All 47 Replies »
Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

Anonymous wrote:
So, let me get this straight.
fact no.1 you had completely forgotten about this place while on a relationship.
fact no.2 you're single and you're back.
fact no.3 you want to arrange a meet up because you've met 2 helpers and lived with 1 of those 2.
interesting. I think I'll pass on this one.

Mod edit- removed unnecessary harshness.

Also to clear some things up...
Fact no. 1- I did not forget about this place while in a relationship... I was in my last relationship for 4.5 years and was a member again when it opened up.
Fact no. 2- I am back, however, not single.
Fact no. 3- I want to arrange a reunion so we all can meet since we all know each other. Yes, I lived with one because I was in a long term relationship with him and I met the second one while on vacation with my ex.
So you can be petty and rude, but honestly you don’t even know what you’re talking about! If you are who we think you are- I’m sorry you feel the need to interject such emotions of butthurtness. I’m here if you would like to talk about things like civil adults.

- written
Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

I love you

- written
been thinking of it lately

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
yea but feeling the love needs feeding.. if none of us get it we start to feel like dying..

- nacthoman

This is how it is in life period... I am currently discovering this! 🤐

- written
Hey bitches...

BigWilly! wrote:
Was your handle on the old help the same as on here?

Yes sir

- written
Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

Yeah for sure! I’ve met @Araz and it was like we knew each other forever it was awesome!

- written
Prttytrisha's conversations are tagged...