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I was born and raised in the wrong decades...

I love 80s big hair bands!!


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youtu, love, big, hair, bands
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last online: 12/14, 0:56
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(52 minutes after post)
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Omg please watch this video, it cracks me up!


2b7d4078 f1e4 45cb a285 98a00bb270f8
(1 hour after post)
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That’s funny!!

Happy earth
(13 hours after post)
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Yeah but the 80s didn't have the internet.

We did have remarkable hair and music though.

2b7d4078 f1e4 45cb a285 98a00bb270f8
(15 hours after post)
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I think I could deal without the internet... leads to ****shit anyways!

(1 day after post)
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i once read a comment how everyone is an expert in the internet age... while its an easy reach for an actual knowledge check, I've witnessed what was before the internet..



..whomever believed whatever they were told were tested if they were smart enough with disbelief- they were no fool.

2b7d4078 f1e4 45cb a285 98a00bb270f8
(1 day after post)
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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
i once read a comment how everyone is an expert in the internet age... while its an easy reach for an actual knowledge check, I've witnessed what was before the internet..



..whomever believed whatever they were told were tested if they were smart enough with disbelief- they were no fool.

My grandpa is a “know-it-all” lol he even has a flip phone still LOL

(1 day after post)
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your paw paw is indeed a wise one!

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(1 day after post)
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Can't say I'm any happier now WITH the internet than I was WITHOUT. Sure spend a lot more (wasted) time sitting on my lazy ***ass than I previously did when boredom drove me outside to do something.. anything really.

(1 day after post)
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books were available.. yet you did nothing

Happy earth
(1 day after post)
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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
books were available.. yet you did nothing

I still read a lot of books. I read the whole public library - at least all that I was even remotely interested in - as a child/teen in the 80s. Now I read mostly ebooks, because I've got a tablet and can read in the dark.

In my opinion, now is better than the 80s, but not good enough to settle for. I think I'll keep moving and see what else is coming.

(3 days after post)
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if i could pick an "AGE OF THE TIMES" im not too sure..

i lived for the 90s.
10 yrs ago i was curious about what were the 80s like
20 yrs ago i was curious about what were the 70s like
30 yrs ago.. ww2 was a curiousity..
40 yrs ago .. im 2 years short from being born ..

how old am i?

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