75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n

A rubbertramp since I was 20, been living on the road for 32 yrs.

Where did you grow up?


Where do you live now?


What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!

Fruit picker, tree planter, placer gold miner

What hobbies are you into?

Metal detecting, prospecting

What causes are you concerned about today?

The plight of dogs.

If you claim a political party affiliation, which is it?


Which religion (if any) do you follow?

Dog, and only dog.

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Mine.... mine i say!!!
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Last 5 Posts Authored

Any recommendations on a mini sewing machine?

written () ago

I'm looking at buying one of those cheapish miniature sewing machines, living the nomadic lifestyle in a camper so no room for a full sized model, & looking for recommendations since there are a lot of them being sold on Amazon. Hand sewing is too damned tedious & looking to speed things up. Problem is, I have NO experience with anything but the full sized units & don't wanna be stuck with crap.

How can I post a picture in a message/post?

written () ago

Has anyone else been having problems with Facebook?

written () ago

I live in Canada (camped on the mountain overlooking Osoyoos) &, lately, have been seeing many of my posts being deleted as spam or contravening Facebook 'rules': We removed your content

Alternative lubricants for a ZF manual gearbox?

written () ago

First I'll give a little back-story about my experiences with an old VW van transaxle. Used to be, many moons ago when I was young, that I'd buy a beater VW van, fix it up, then sell it when I wanted something else. Often, the transaxle would have a pronounced whine & be hard to shift. I'd basically cure 'cure' that by adding by adding a can of Molyslip (molybdenum disulfide & engine oil) to the transaxle. This would often work in rear diffs & manual gearboxes that started to howl.

I have a puzzling problem with a '77 350 Chev engine.

written () ago

A friend of mine bought a car that has a modded 350 in it which, though it has wonderful power, hesitates off idle when launching it & backfires. It has a high rise manifold, Holley 670 cfm double pumper, headers going into 3" dual exhaust & a mystery cam & runs SUPER rich. I stuck my gas analyzer on it &, if adjusted to run anywhere near an ideal air/fuel ratio, backfires when idling. Right now it's a pig on gas & carbon fouls the plugs after a bit. The previous owner, who can't be reached,...

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Top Replies
BigWilly!'s Top (5) Replies by other users' votes
Your favorite horror movies?

Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


- written - voted for by DocteurRalph, verge
Any recommendations on a mini sewing machine?

DragonLady wrote:

Oh yes, I want one of those treadle machines, too!

I was talking to a cobbler a number of years ago & he claimed that the old treadle style sewing machine was preferred in his trade because of the control it gave & it could easily punch through the thickest leather.

- written - voted for by DragonLady
I need help.

DragonLady wrote:
I'm becoming worried. :( Does anyone know DocteurRalph in RL?

He might be a facebook friend but trying to match avatars/handles to real names can be a problematic.

- written - voted for by DragonLady
often times i find myself thinking

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
Space folding is a theoretical possibility.

Yeah, but you need awfully large & dexterous hands.

- written - voted for by Lano
I doubt I will be, but I hope if I get to a certain point that I can no longer drive efficiently(efficiency - the ability to be able to recognize and respond to situations quickly and safely - being

That's why I generally stay out in rural areas since, percentages being equivalent to the city, there just isn't as high a concentration of idiots per square mile.

- written - voted for by lirou
Last 5 Replies - All 362 Replies »
Hej, jeg ønskede at kende din pris.

To be 40yrs younger sounds about right to me.

- written
Salam, qiymətinizi bilmək istədim.

soco wrote:
Google translate: Hello, I wanted to know your price.

Sell! Sell high!! We can all be rich.

Just say NO to drugz!!

- written
Salam, qiymətinizi bilmək istədim.

& here we haven't really even met.. how forward! The urge to clutch my pearls & GHASP is well nigh OVERWHELMING!

- written
Any recommendations on a mini sewing machine?

DragonLady wrote:

Oh yes, I want one of those treadle machines, too!

I was talking to a cobbler a number of years ago & he claimed that the old treadle style sewing machine was preferred in his trade because of the control it gave & it could easily punch through the thickest leather.

- written
Any recommendations on a mini sewing machine?

DragonLady wrote:

Yeah, & it's a lot lighter than a regular sized sewing machine.. which is important when living in a camper. Ideally, I'd like to have 1 of those old Singer treadle sewing machines but lack the space for it.

- written
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