last online: 02/28, 23:53
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been thinking of it lately

on how this place is not an open forum... but a place to assist our troubles with what concerns us and provided that an honest suggestion.

forgive me for trolling this place from time to time. its a nasty habit. need to quit it, i dunno where i get off going on my poetry rants.. perhaps its cuz i feel like you guys are worth in sharing my expressions or demons.

i truly want to be a much more acceptable person regardless how i sort of am in a constant state of resistance and kiddin around because i cannot bring myself to accept that there are some things that dont belong there.

i might know just half ya folks and the years as a member really do add on, for the most part this place has really given the best insights than almost all of the people i met in my life..

this is what im thankful for.

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tobpleh really knows when to come around

(50 minutes after post)
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guess this confession was tmi.

mr. gorbachev build back up that wall!
worlds getting too warm.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(2 hours after post)
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What are you talking about, Nacth? I've seen and dealt with trolls and your visits are far from trolling.
As for your poetery, this place is a good place for it, keep up the good work. Though I don't always respond I have read most of your works. In the good 'ol days poetery was always posted -
Cathetel, Eddieee and many others (who I can't remember) were always writing something, so why not you?
You're okay by me, man, just be yourself (and) most importantly be honest. That's all anyone should do.

(3 hours after post)
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yea but feeling the love needs feeding.. if none of us get it we start to feel like dying..

- nacthoman

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(6 hours after post)
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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
yea but feeling the love needs feeding.. if none of us get it we start to feel like dying..

- nacthoman

This is how it is in life period... I am currently discovering this! ๐Ÿค

Happy earth
(13 hours after post)
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I like your poetry.

(15 hours after post)
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Poetry has always been a part of Help. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Pretty sure I posted my fair share on the original site as well. O.o

Regardless- anything that brings activity is good. It's been really quiet around lately.

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(1 day after post)
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Nah you're no troll! I love when people get all poetic! It's good to express yourself, I feel like that's an important function of this site. I would have said all this in rhyme but I am too tired lol.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Freedom of expression! Well as long as it is not rated NC17 and legal in most states.
Rockster160 doesn't get along much with guys wearing stripes 24/7.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Sharing our poetry is trolling? Whoops. Guess I must have missed that memo on the old site. Lol.

I enjoy a lot of your posts, Natcho. Do not feel as if your expression and contribution isn't welcome here!

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