26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n

Good to be back! Missed everyone and look forward to talking to you all again!

Where did you grow up?

Kent, UK

Where do you live now?

Birmingham, UK

What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Still studying for my clinical psychology degree!

What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?

Science and maths

What's your favorite sport or sports?

pffft sport!

What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!

Sales mostly

What hobbies are you into?

Cooking and netflix!

What causes are you concerned about today?

lack of mental health funding

ProffVampy has 26 friends. Here are 26 of them.
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20 122 262 0 84 122 6/2/26
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Its been nearly a year?!

written () ago

So i was just stalking my own profile and it seems that this new help has been live for nearly a year?! I have replies i posted from 11months 2weeks ago....may i say im proud of us and what has been formed here again!

Best Approach?

written () ago

Hey everyone! Sorry its been a while...apparently i started my new job and july and august dissappeared!

Sorry I've been quiet...

written () ago

I have finished uni!!! I have got a relevent job and my grades are coming back at what i want them to be!

Three Weeks and counting.....

written () ago

three weeks til i finish my degree..which is a horrifying thought!

sometimes everything seems bleak...

written () ago

dont really know what else to say. intrusive thoughts are bad. i feel numb and crappy. im great at putting on a front so no one else sees but now im sat at home, alone, being ignored by my cat and wondering why i bother. so i sit here far too much in my own head, with thoughts and feelings swirling around leading to the downwards spiral which consists of mostly blackness, tears and wanting to polish off the bottle of bacardi in my kitchen.

All Claimed Posts ยป

Top Replies
ProffVampy's Top (5) Replies by other users' votes
Sorry I've been quiet...

haha possibly not a great thing for me to know how to do xD theres a few people who would be on that list....

- written - voted for by Jebus-Zeus
Living at home question.

When are your parents looking to move? If theyre planning such a big relocation chances are thatll take them a fair amount of time to organise and do. Stick at the job, often there is a probation period which is frustrating but it means the people that pass it are more likely to stick around.

If you parents arent planning on moving until after your probation is over i would say bide your time and save and save. That way no matter the outcome youll be secure.

And theres nothing wrong with still being at home at 26, i know people much older that havent meant to move out. And people like myself who moved out at 18. It all depends on the person, circumstances, money etc. Never feel shame for moving at your lifes own pace!

- written - voted for by Max
Happy Birthday, Padre๐Ÿ˜Ž

Happy birthday! And what a way to celebrate with a new Help site!

- written - voted for by PepperJ
So what has everyone been up to lately?

I moved from technical theatre to clinical psychology and am in my last year of my degree ^.^

- written - voted for by Red1263
I hope everyone makes their way back!

Eddieee wrote:

ProffVampy wrote:

Eddieee wrote:
I told everyone from the old Help that I have on my FB friends list. I got some great responses :)

did you tell Jebus Lepoudus Zeus? Think his username was just Jebus but i cant remember!

No, he isn't on my FB list

I shall inform him!

- written - voted for by Eddieee
Last 5 Replies - All 262 Replies ยป
Hello everyone Happy new year.

Happy new year to all of my help family!

- written
Who thinks we need to do a Help Reunion...

Jalex wrote:
On that note, seven years ago to this day was the first time I ever met a person irl. It was me @ProffVampy Lizzy @Adam and Stewie, I forget his help username off hand. We went to Nandos.

i still hate nandos...bland sauce and dry chicken xD worst part of my university experience was everyones fascination with the damn stuff....I'll stick

but yes id be up for a UK meetup if people were about :)

- written
Best Approach?

~CaitherrA~ wrote:
I always hate leaving jobs. I hate feeling like a disappointment to my employer/higher ups, but you need to do whatโ€™s right for you!

If itโ€™s possible, can you start with a couple of hours at the new job and take a few less hours at the old one and slowly phase the one out into the new?

im more worried about the residents than my coworkwers to be honest. and no the new job would be full time and the current one is full time so i would be doing one or the other.

- written
Best Approach?

๐•อคอญอฅฬ‡๐•–๐•ฅ๐•šใ€‚(Yeti.) wrote:

ProffVampy wrote:
hey yeti :)

i work as a care assistant at the moment so alot of that doesnt apply. and the next job is an assistant psychologist which is what i need for my doctorate experience and also yes pays alot more! ive not been at my current job for 2months yet so not had time to get bonuses or letters like that. also i cant get a payrise to anything like i could get and i have to do various qualifications to get small ones. and my clients are the residents i look after, i feel kinda bad because ive formed a friendly bond with some of them.

Oh, care assistant? I mean not to denigrate, but thought you had been higher on the ladder, so to speak. Not much cause for worry in leaving, as this training simply falls short of your ultimate goal as psychologist - or so you could state without prevaricating in the least.

Methinks it's the nature of the job, in a way. The closer you are to doctor, the more distant from your patients, in the modern world. A necessary sacrifice.

haha i thought id be able to jump in somewhere higher up too but that wasnt the case and i needed a job. luckily the residents are very relevent to me and part of me does enjoy the work so definitely done better than most of my graduating friends who have no idea what to do or where to start.

- written
Best Approach?

hey yeti :)

i work as a care assistant at the moment so alot of that doesnt apply. and the next job is an assistant psychologist which is what i need for my doctorate experience and also yes pays alot more! ive not been at my current job for 2months yet so not had time to get bonuses or letters like that. also i cant get a payrise to anything like i could get and i have to do various qualifications to get small ones. and my clients are the residents i look after, i feel kinda bad because ive formed a friendly bond with some of them.

- written
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