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Three Weeks and counting.....

three weeks til i finish my degree..which is a horrifying thought!
Sorry i Have been so quiet recently, I've been focusing on work, having my therapy sessions and attempting to build a better social life for myself.

I have not finished seeing the mental health advisor. She recons i should be ok but is keeping me on their records until the end of uni incase i have any sudden breakdowns or need to talk to her.

We worked through my lack of sleeping and all the issues that go around with that. I think its getting better or possibly im just becoming used to the horrors of my minds night terrors....either way i can actually somewhat sleep again now.

I had a crushing realisation that in a months time everyone I know any university will be leaving me and going back to their home towns...this is my home town (kind of, i moved alot) so i'm going to be rather lonely when theyve all gone. All of my local friends stopped talking to me when i stopped smoking so my uni ones are the only ones i have now.

i've been going out partying alot more, something has to help with the stress especially now i cant smoke to help with it anymore. also another reason my sleeping has been so awful....cigarettes just dont have the same effect.

overall im doing both better and worse. im coping better but really i think the situation is still not so great. the one big plus is i am waiting for an interview at what will be an ideal job to get the experience to start working towards doing my doctorate so fingers crossed for that!!!

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good job sweetheart

Orchid 2
(45 minutes after post)
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Keep going you are doing great and at least you are not where you used to be. And always remember, as one door shuts another will open. Stay open and stay positive.

I wish you all the best finishing your course.

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I was told that

Thanks for the update.

Good news regarding slumber; Hopefully your rapscallion feline companion hasn't been excessively mischievous during the nocturnal hours.

Be sure to gather your close friends' contact details, at least; regardless, I believe you'll be able to expand your social circle in no time at the next step, with some amiability (in which you aren't deficient).

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I might know somebody...
Single. 30ish. Globetrotter, settling in possibly Utah soon. Can defrag your computer around the campfire.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(22 hours after post)
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Good show! Keep that doctorate in sight and do not become distracted from your goal.

Really glad you have given up cigarettes.

I can see a beautiful woman, and if she lights up a cigarette, it is the same to me as if she picked up some dog poo from the ground and stuffed that into her mouth.

When I was single, nothing was a greater turn off than seeing a girl light up a cigarette!

OK . . . off my cigarettes rank now!

Keep up the good work!

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(1 day after post)
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Oh gosh, good on you -- not only for the hard work, but for presently having therapy sessions and seeing a mental health advisor. My mental and physical anxiety symptoms started almost immediately after I finished my final college semester and I didn't see a therapist until this month. Even though 6 weeks of counseling at my college would've been free. Whoops?

I'm so glad for the positives you're able to list. Sleeping again. No smoking. Working through some issues. Partying. Interview opportunity. Wishing you the best of luck on that! Apparently routine is great treatment for anxiety.

Also, people may flock to all corners of the world, but good friends always find their way back. My brother's high school best friend came back to Indiana this weekend (under unfortunate circumstances) and they had a great time partying it up! All's not lost with your uni friends. But like Orchid said, even if one door shuts, another opens.

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