
I'm a man who's in constant search of improving himself.

Where did you grow up?

Perris, ca

What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Aiming for master's

What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?

Science, philosophy, mythology

Which religion (if any) do you follow?


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So what has everyone been up to lately?

written () ago

For me, I used to want to be in Medical School, but now I've shifted my focus into becoming an Prosthetist (or a guy who builds prosthetic limbs). In order to do this, I'm getting my Master's degree. What about you guys?

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Top Replies
Red1263's Top (1) Replies by other users' votes
At the end of your life, what do you want people (family, friends, neighbors, and strangers never met) to line up and say to your face...

"Thank you for being you."

- written - voted for by Max
Last 5 Replies - All 29 Replies ยป
At the end of your life, what do you want people (family, friends, neighbors, and strangers never met) to line up and say to your face...

"Thank you for being you."

- written
Happy new year guys :)

I figured you'd be the one calling for an uber/lyft rather than driving one, soco

- written
Happy new year guys :)

soco wrote:
A happy New Year it was. At least for the 160+ people I drove safely back home last night.

Made $782 to boot. So yeah, I'd say that was a happy New year!


- written
Happy new year guys :)


- written
Post resolved

Merry Christmas anon! Do you have their personal number? Why not send a text?

- written
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