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At the end of your life, what do you want people (family, friends, neighbors, and strangers never met) to line up and say to your face...

"I thank you for..."?

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Since writing this post soco may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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met, face, line, neighbors, strangers
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Always being polite and smiling at every passerby and interaction with others.

Thatโ€™s what I strive for. ๐Ÿ™‚

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"Big Al...thanks for showing me a square peg can fit in a triangle hole with the proper amount of dynamite applied."

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(6 hours after post)
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"Sorry we were such jerks."

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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A smile, gift, a sparkle:)

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"Thank you for being you."

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Sherlock wrote:
"Sorry we were such jerks."

I only replied to this because it's soco's post but I'll tell you sorry only works when the rubber meets the road!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(14 hours after post)
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Just kidding, but imagine getting a great big mass apology from everyone who wronged you!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Sherlock wrote:
Just kidding, but imagine getting a great big mass apology from everyone who wronged you!

I think everyone, since time immemorial, would have to form a two line tank-track circle and get to walking delivering endless apologies to those familiar or not.

" Future ages will wonder at us, as the present age wonders at us now. We do not need the praises of a Homer, or of anyone else whose words may delight us for the moment, but whose estimation of facts will fall short of what is really true. For our adventurous spirit has forced an entry into every sea and into every land; and everywhere we have left behind us everlasting memorials of good done to our friends or suffering inflicted on our enemies. "

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last online: 07/27, 11:05
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I've witnessed several. The most memorial was one where a wall of pictures provoked emotions, apologies and promises.
The worst to the best is something I try not to think about because it's the wrong time. Life is a limited time and wasting it wanting or waiting for someone to say their sorry is throwing it down a hole. I'd sooner have a child hug me and say I love you:)
When my brother passed three days before Christmas and I asked his wife what her plans and his wishes were she informed me that she was spreading his ashes in the litter box so the dog could piss on them and DID!

She can't take my lovely memories of him and she can answer to a chic called Karma!

An experienced nurse of what I call the "death ward" told me she feels we take memories with us and the more good ones we have the easier it is to sleep:)

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Max wrote:
When my brother passed three days before Christmas and I asked his wife what her plans and his wishes were she informed me that she was spreading his ashes in the litter box so the dog could piss on them and DID

๐Ÿ˜ตWhat a rotten fkkn b!tc#

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Ya..kind of wished I didn't share that, but even the strongest people can be vulnerable:) A lesson to others; if the whole world tells you something...maybe listen:)

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Max wrote:
Ya..kind of wished I didn't share that, but even the strongest people can be vulnerable:) A lesson to others; if the whole world tells you something...maybe listen:)

Sorry Max but I have to disagree with you. The vast majority of people tried to tell 2 brothers in a bicycle shop man was never meant to fly. That was the Wright brothers and look how far we've come when they didn't listen to those nay sayers.

One person CAN change the world. Be the change.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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When we say "Change the world," a big, planet-sized diaper comes to mind.

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Brings to mind the word "real". Threw the eyes of an artist, accountant or healthcare worker?

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