Shoutbox: Max is listening

Just a simple "Hello", "Thanks", or chat! Back to Max's profile...

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Whisper (hidden)

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Whisper (hidden)

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No caps. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Maybe it should be case independent. ๐Ÿ˜…

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Also- sorry. I thought I had responded to your previous shout. ๐Ÿ˜„

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Whisper (hidden)

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Uh - I read his Post but do not recall him at the original help.

Screenshot at 2018 02 13 13 15 09
- Shouttrail
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Life for busy. Family is great. How do I accept a friend request again?

Screenshot at 2018 02 13 13 15 09
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I am The Sully... I live in China still. I am from the US though.

Hiippie chick beautiful
- Shouttrail
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Hi, Max!
No...not leaving.
Just took a break is all.
Hope that everything is fine in your neck of the woods...

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
- Shouttrail
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Hi Max! And THANK YOU! ๐Ÿ™‚

I have been focused on job hunting. Weary from all if it. Need some prayer actually. I have not been to up going through this. So trying to reel it in soon.

User photo 22810 561248
- Shouttrail
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you have a very positive and constructive attitude, good for you!!

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
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Thank you. I will be sure to do so. ๐Ÿ˜„

User photo 22810 561248
- Shouttrail
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cancelled flights, i work for an airline, sorry about that hahah ^_^

User photo 22810 561248
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am in Toronto, I feel you man, the weather is horrible in winter! I feel like migrating with the birds ^_^ and this spring has been awful! I really like Canada but I hate the weather!

Yeah in general keeping a common sense will keep you out of trouble.

User photo 22810 561248
- Shouttrail
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hey Max, do you live in the UK? Yeah true, I think when most people think about america they think of guns and unsafety, am sure that is true for some areas but i dont think its like that all across (i hope not ^ _ ^). It seems I might get a choice between cyprus and america. In your case, cyprus might be a place worth considering. It looks pretty safe and its weather is pretty good (i think ^ _ ^ ) they speak greek that is what is discouraging me the most since i cant speak greek. I think cyrpus and uk has good relation and a lot of people from uk retreat there, i heard.

- Shouttrail
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Thank you Max.
And yes...she certainly is.

- Shouttrail
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We're slowly comming together Max... My search for the best of us goes on. Many more to come.

Got it.. =)

Oh okay BRB

Ok sent u a test email

Let me look bub.. Brb

Okay brother. So nice to chat with you after so long!

Okay well hope to get a email then..

So okay how do I share this with u..take note
I have a four letter name..

Poke poke poke

Glad your laughing kitty kat

Omg I hit a button and was signed out suddenly. Sorry.. I am new here lol

I never put my picture up before so I might remove that. I did not have an icon

Oh how embarrassing

I could not send through an email on the on I have. How do you privately share that info?

Miriam and Big AL both contacted me and I have been quite busy until I thought I should come here and get a better idea of what it is now. So looks very good!!

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Leaving for a new job or settling down for a while where I'm at..

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A good sharpener is worth its weight in gold.

Also, whoa! Rebuilding a closet is serious work. The people around you must love you, you're so productive haha

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Neat. Got any cool projects you're using those new toys on?

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That makes me feel comfortable, knowing somebody as wise as you can still feel a lack of direction. Perhaps I'm not too far off from where I should be.

What kind of old toys?

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That's a pretty good sentiment, doing less but enjoying more~

I'm feeling content with my life, though I lack a bit of direction and clarity at the moment.

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How've you been, old friend?

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The feeling is mutual. I'm really glad someone remembers me too =)

Still doin stuff for starbyface
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Hi Max! :) My old screen names were usually Enilorac or carolinecutie

92c3828f 8408 406a 869f 11dd9739552d
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Hey! Thanks for being my first shout since returning!

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Hmm, you're Max, I remember seeing you

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Aw thanks! Big al one made it!

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....Yeah - I think even the old Help did that unless you specifically (checked the box) requested "no updates," as I have.

Okay Max. Enjoy the day!

- Shouttrail
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My tinfoil hat tells me it's the result of Google's AI creeping on the net.
Seems a lot leads back to "it."

- Shouttrail
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It's strange here in the shouts - it sometimes glitches with my phone's keyboard. I do the same thing at times.

- Shouttrail
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I'll check the mail a bit later. Having words with a You Tube troll right now.

Also recieves a mass mailing from your mail (listing a whole bunch of people - Beatrice Galant, Lisa-Agape and many others) it seemed to be auto-generated.

- Shouttrail
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I like that - $Cha-chang!$

Tried returning email but was sent back to me as "undeliverable."

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Screenshot at 2018 02 13 13 15 09
Hiippie chick beautiful
7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
20180403 160549
User photo 22810 561248
16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
Still doin stuff for starbyface
92c3828f 8408 406a 869f 11dd9739552d
Fb img 1600821388622
1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
Animation2 2
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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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