Fractal scatter

Where did you grow up?

Here, there and everywhere.

Where do you live now?

London, UK.

What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Bachelor of Science.

What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?

Mathematics and sciences.

What's your favorite sport or sports?

F1, tennis, snooker.

What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!

I'm a train planner. I write timetables for train services. It's super fun...

What hobbies are you into?

Cycling, astronomy, music, creative stuff.

What causes are you concerned about today?

Where to start?

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It's about time for a relationship post.

The conundrum: the wait things out in the hope what you truly want will come to fruition, or settle for what you have and make the best of things.

Critically, I do not think you can be friends with girl 2 and seriously develop your relationship with girl 1 at the same time. Guys have close female friends and partners without issue. This is different, as you harbour feelings beyond friendship for the girl and friendship with her is not conducive to a forming a serious relationship with girl 1.

- written
Which is better way to get physically fit(easier and quicker)?

Fat from food is stored in the body in a compound called triglyceride. This is formed of a combination of atoms of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. This does not, and cannot be, converted to muscle.

When you โ€˜burnโ€™ fat, you are breaking the chemical bonds between the atoms, which releases a small amount of energy. The atoms remain, rearranged from their form as triglyceride, as water and carbon dioxide, in approximately 1:4 ratio. The water is excreted as sweat or urine or other bodily fluids. The carbon dioxide is excreted via the lungs; you breathe out the majority of stuff forming the fat in your body.

The average person expels around 200g of carbon (as carbon dioxide) through breathing, every day. Around a third of that is during sleep. Replacing an hour of rest with moderate activity can result in an additional 40g of carbon being expelled.

To lose weight, eat less and move more.

- written
I am having trouble getting used to Help and how it works.

Hi there.

I was a mod on the original Help and in fact helped Alice get up to speed when she became mod. Outside of modding Help I can't say our paths crossed much but she was always helpful, friendly and fair whilst moderating. I understand many people will miss her a great deal.

If you hover your mouse cursor over 'Account Admin' you will get a little drop down menu you can select 'Friends' from. Fans are users that have sent you a friend request, Favourites are those users you have sent request to. Once the requests have been accepted you will both be 'Friends'. You can do this by clicking on the little icon that looks like a person beside the users avatar.

- written
Who are the mods?

Hi there. I'm also a mod but haven't posted yet. I was active on original Help and was mod there too.

- written Volunteer Moderator
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