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198963 1008455105016 1896 n
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Jebby is from mars....

(8 minutes after post)
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Human race is an artificial race. We were created by "aliens" who became technologically advanced enough that their "machines" became biological. Eventually their latest creation was able to self-sustain and evolve. In order to test this theory, it was dropped on a planet that appeared stable enough with a cold/warm enough climate as well as sufficient resources to see how it would do.

Give it a couple more hundred years and we'll do the same thing. 😄

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Big-Al-One wrote:

sophieshizuko wrote:
Jebby is from mars....

That's a proven fact😋

Rockster160 wrote:
The Human race, created by "aliens," is an artificial race of machines that became technologically advanced enough to biologically evolve from "machines." Eventually they were dropped onto a stable planet with enough resources to see how they would do.

Okay...you just explained blonds...the rest?

We were not derived by aliens, silly rabbit....

198963 1008455105016 1896 n
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soco wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:

sophieshizuko wrote:
Jebby is from mars....

That's a proven fact😋

Rockster160 wrote:
The Human race, created by "aliens," is an artificial race of machines that became technologically advanced enough to biologically evolve from "machines." Eventually they were dropped onto a stable planet with enough resources to see how they would do.

Okay...you just explained blonds...the rest?

We were not derived by aliens, silly rabbit....

So we was derived by silly rabbits ...?

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Just the males, Sophie. Just the males.

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Teletubbies was created by ISIS to recruit infants.

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The best conspiracy theory is that USA were first to put a man on the moon

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Marilyn Monroe died of suicide...

Animation2 2
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J.N-Bucking wrote:
The best conspiracy theory is that USA were first to put a man on the moon


I don't discount any of them. Would need more proof either way and I'm too lazy to dig up the proof (or possibly I don't want to really know....??). I think that it is sooooo easy for people to be duped.

(5 hours after post)
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We faked the moon landing with a film set on mars.

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Jalex wrote:
We faked the moon landing with a film set on mars.

Lol...great one :)

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The Royal family are reptiles......

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inside job of 9/11 is the most annoying one. People out there believe anything.

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The moon is made of cheese 🙃

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Nixx wrote:
The Royal family are reptiles......

I thought they were Zombies.

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I knew it!

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75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
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I think that all these conspiracy theories are really ONE BIG CONSPIRACY to keep us in the dark about what REALLY is going on. Missing the forest because of the trees, as it were, but I'm onto their little game and.. I'll be watching!

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Jonathon Roulston and Joel Osteen are the same person. Evidence....? Have you ever seen the two of them in the same room at the same time?
....I rest my case.

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I agree with big willy on this one. I do know the guys above the corporations the merchant bankers are controlling and manipulating everything we know to be our reality. Ill leave it at that

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Big-Al-One wrote:
Why has there been a combined marine taskforce of 47 nations surrounding the Antarctic since the early 50's?
Seems like a lot of firepower to protect ice and penguins.

Isn't there supposed to be a deeply buried seed bank somewhere like that?

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Not sure...maybe it's in Norway or something. Just something I heard somewhere

I guess buried deep/temp controlled (??)

Maybe dormant (??) IDK

But when you said that the soldiers were guarding the antarctic....made me think of the time I heard about the seed bank lol

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Yeah, that might be true. I can't actually remember. Old age and all... ;)

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The doomsday vault seedbank is located at Svalbard.

As for conspiracies there are many.

Could say that existence on this plane is a test. There are general rules of conduct and we partake in a game. We do not know the rules, but nothing is hidden from us. To play we must consent. By giving our consent, we let ourselves be played. The trick here is in the trickery as we are not aware of any game. All the distractions make sure of that.

Within the ritual we have to be told what is going to happen. We have the power to change it all, but that would mean learning the rules and seeing the game for what it is.

It’s complicated, yet surprisingly simple.

For the ones that know, what I say makes perfect sense, for the ones that don’t, it’s nonsense.

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Silverset wrote:
inside job of 9/11 is the most annoying one. People out there believe anything.

Bang on.
Can't believe some people still believe the government didn't do it.

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(21 hours after post)
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Eddieee wrote:

Nixx wrote:
The Royal family are reptiles......

I thought they were Zombies.

I thought it was reptilians

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(21 hours after post)
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That the members on Helptogo were real. There were like a million people signed up and no one was ever there. I was just looking at it and I am the most popular contributor for the year, I think I spent about a week all year there, that's kind of sad.

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J.N-Bucking wrote:

Eddieee wrote:

Nixx wrote:
The Royal family are reptiles......

I thought they were Zombies.

I thought it was reptilians

You're all wrong.
They are each, highly evolved horseshoe crabs.

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That there are 6 media conglomerates that control almost all the news we get.

Oh, WAIT https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinside...

So much for our news being unbiased 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I think my fave conspiracy theory is that the illuminati murders celebs and then replaces them with clones. Apparently, Britney Spears was beheaded back in 2000. Who knew?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Paul McCartney was killed back in the 60's too. Those celebrity death conspiracies have been around a long time.

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Big-Al-One wrote:

Araz wrote:
That there are 6 media conglomerates that control almost all the news we get.
So much for our news being unbiased

This is so sad and true and people just drink it up without a second thought...
Why won't people wake up?


That said.... Elvis lives, imo

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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And now some of those rights are coming straight back to McCartney. After 50 years all rights revert back to whoever actually wrote the songs if they are still alive. So now everything he wrote before 1967 is coming right back. Pretty soon he will own the whole Beatles library again without having had to pay for it.

And Michael screwed Paul really bad. He said he was at MJ's house and was telling him they were going up for sale and exactly how much he was going to bid. Jackson outbid him slightly and got the rights to the songs, he was really pissed for a long time... pissed enough to hire Dr. Feelgood to off him? Only Paul and the doctor know.
Oh yeah and Elvis does live! yay

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PepperJ wrote:

That said.... Elvis lives, imo

He's working at a Burger King along with Johnny Cash (the TRUE king).

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DocteurRalph wrote:
And now some of those rights are coming straight back to McCartney. After 50 years all rights revert back to whoever actually wrote the songs if they are still alive. So now everything he wrote before 1967 is coming right back. Pretty soon he will own the whole Beatles library again without having had to pay for it.

And Michael screwed Paul really bad. He said he was at MJ's house and was telling him they were going up for sale and exactly how much he was going to bid. Jackson outbid him slightly and got the rights to the songs, he was really pissed for a long time... pissed enough to hire Dr. Feelgood to off him? Only Paul and the doctor know.
Oh yeah and Elvis does live! yay

Incorrect. Both Paul and Yoko were told of the sale called Northern Lights Ltd. Neither one offered a bid. Zip. Nada. They are currently owned by Sony ATV AND Sir Paul. They came to a joint agreement, according to his lawyer back in July.
The timeframe you spoke of is 56 years, not 50 and is only applicable to songs owned by American songwriters/artists not those in the UK.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Hey it is 56 years, that's a weird number. And yeah British courts ruled the law was not applicable in the UK. Songs written after 1978 revert back after 35 years.

In 2016 Sony bought out Michael Jackson, and supposedly just this July Paul made a deal with Sony to recoup his songs. It is being reported that they only did it because the rights were going back to him soon enough anyway. Go ahead and correct me again. I'm tired of trying to figure it all out.

I still think I was correct on most of it. This is a recent report from Liveformusic.com "In 1969, McCartney and Lennon attempted to buy Northern Songs, which was the original publisher of the Beatles catalog, though the duo lost out to ATV Music. Some decade-and-a-half later, ATV Music went up for sale, offering McCartney yet another chance to resecure the rights to the Beatles’ Lennon-McCartney songs. In an unfortunate twist, McCartney was outbid by friend and fellow musical legend Michael Jackson, who bought the company for $47.5 million in 1985 — Jackson bought ATV Music following McCartney’s advice noting the value of music publishing, and their friendship never recovered from what McCartney considered a betrayal."

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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So yeah Paul offed MJ with the help of Elvis...

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Unreadable Jalex. Try again?

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Jalex wrote: The legend of Slenderman. That's just nonsense fairy tales right?

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I think personal responsibility will fix almost every problem, save everybody that takes it, and help the entire planet by extension, so the conspiracy theory would be that society is enabling everyone's victim complexes and subtly reinforcing the problems.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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^^^Wow... what she said.^^^

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Big-Al-One wrote:
Okay, so we know the moonlanding was a hoax to cover up the fact the earth is actually flat after all...


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That Robert Palmer of REFunding was born without a twig 'm berries.
Prove me wrong!

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Big-Al-One wrote:

soco wrote:
That Robert Palmer of RPFunding was born without a twig 'm berries.
Prove me wrong!

- I wouldn't know how... I don't know who he is or what his story is about.

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soco wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:

soco wrote:
That Robert Palmer of RPFunding was born without a twig 'm berries.
Prove me wrong!

- I wouldn't know how... I don't know who he is or what his story is about.

Count your blessings.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Wasn't Robert Palmer the guy with the hot chicks in his video? Black eye shadow, big red lips, slicked back hair and tight black dresses. Of course the obligatory high heels and stockings.... Rockstar with short hair that wore a suit back in the mid 80's when everyone was cleaning up their act. Yup, here it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcATvu5f9vE

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Wrong Robert Palmer, Docteur.


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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I know right? I'll never be able to think about the Robert Palmer girls again without throwing up a little in my mouth. Ewww.... and what about the Zagar and Evans guys you posted a link to in the minor key music question? I remember being in 3rd grade when that "In the Year 2525" song came out and it was on the radio all summer long. That was a weird one too, of course everything going on in the 60's was kind of out there compared to what had come before.

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Lizard truth.

A girl at my university made a huge sculpture of giant wooden coins with the presidents faces on them except they were lizards. Blew my mind that it was a thing people believe.

Oh, I don't really believe it, but it is a crazy conspiracy theory for sure...

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What do you think about UFOs?
Alien abductions?

Big-Al-One wrote:

twosocks wrote:
Lizard truth.

A girl at my university made a huge sculpture of giant wooden coins with the presidents faces on them except they were lizards. Blew my mind that it was a thing people believe.

Oh, I don't really believe it, but it is a crazy conspiracy theory for sure...

Called Reptillians.
Witnessed by too many people.
I keep an objectionable view.

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Big-Al-One wrote:

Two Socks wrote:

What do you think about UFOs?
Alien abductions? Probing?

My answer for those issues are nearly religious - I will have to think of a more conventionable answer. Will get back with you on that.

I will wait patiently.

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There is almost nothing that's safe to drink.
Only expensive bottled water, and how long til they poison that too

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There's this theory that miss Britney spears sounds off key and not as good of a singer unless she plugs in her auto correct.

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How about under mount shasta California there is an UN ground city hosting the lemurians

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aeolian wrote:
There's this theory that miss Britney spears sounds off key and not as good of a singer unless she plugs in her auto correct.

This is no theory...it's factual about her and a few others....

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Britney is definitely off key. Taylor Swift used to be right up there with her, she's gotten a little better. And that underground alien base is in Dulce, New Mexico.

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Big-Al-One wrote:

J.N-Bucking wrote:
There is almost nothing that's safe to drink.
Only expensive bottled water, and how long til they poison that too

Nothing "safe" about bottled water either. It must meet the same requirements as public drinking water, which means - you guessed it - fluoride.

Ah but the very expensive bottled water has much less or none .

There's ****shit loads in tap water, and it's in reasonably priced bottled water.

So basically you can be poisoned a bit less if you can afford 2l of expensive water every day.

We will kill you a bit slower if you pay us more....

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I've been drinking this stuff lately, not available in stores. Some lady I worked for gave me a case and my son Patrick convinced me to buy more. He's always laughing at me when I drink out of hoses and stuff. We were working on a house with lead based paint and I was drinking out of their hose and he really got me. Gee dad, I wonder how much lead there is in that? grrr

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J.N-Bucking wrote:
There is almost nothing that's safe to drink.
Only expensive bottled water, and how long til they poison that too

I always thought the problem with water in plastic bottles was in the plastic. I prefer water in glass bottles anyway for one sole purpose; it stays colder longer. That simple.

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Big-Al-One wrote:

twosocks wrote:
What do you think about UFOs? Alien abductions? Probing?

For the most part, I subscribe to this person's point of view. Human history has been scrubbed from us. We don't live in the most technologically advanced time in history. There have been different eras with much greater technology. It doesn't seem as if this answers your question but if you would be willing to watch the following video, it explains what "aliens" may very well be.


Just out of curiosity, does the previous advanced technology involve the pyramids or stone hindge (hendge?) Because if so, I totally agree that there technologies lost in time that served great purposes.

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And thanks for sharing the video, I'm interested to hear the view.

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Yeah...I try to not think about this stuff too often.
Faith in Christ is the only thing that makes it seem NOT hopeless

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