last online: 02/28, 23:53
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i can tell..

i need you to roast me.. why am i so hated.. or in the least disliked.

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Since writing this post Yorick may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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hated, disliked, roast
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6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(5 hours after post)
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Are you ok?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(9 hours after post)
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Dude....what makes you say all of this? You seem okay to me....

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(10 hours after post)
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There is no hate here. What's up?

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(10 hours after post)
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I am hated on facebook. I speak my truth and dont give a rats ***ass if im ruffling feathers. Dude only you can really figure out why you feel hated. And if you are hated it doeant always make you a bad person. Example. Men who were in their power and exemplified strength were idealized in the 70s. Guys who portray any male charaterstic qualities in todays moral barometer are shunned. Especially by feminists. Dude just be true to who you are and dont co tow to anybody. Then the most important person who is you will like yourself. Isnt that whats most important

(11 hours after post)
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It's reddit you'll want to go to if you want roasting, Help is far too friendly.

(14 hours after post)
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Maybe you should take it as constructive criticism? I say this a heavily disliked person by most people in my life. I've learned to just take it as best as possible.

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(1 day after post)
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I came to learn that you will be a treasure for some, garbage to others. Surround yourself with the people that cherish you.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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I look at it like this; if everybody likes you...there's something wrong.
You can't walk through life without breaking a few eggs or making a few enemies.
And sometimes, people just can't make up their mind.

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last online: 12/14, 0:56
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Whatโ€™s worse than being hated? Being ignored.

As far as I can see, you are neither hated or ignored here!

(2 days after post)
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No hate here :)

Help me with:


(4 days after post)
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Jalex wrote:
It's reddit you'll want to go to if you want roasting, Help is far too friendly.

yea i see that..

didnt mean to worry yall.. your comments were much appreciated. I was looking for some attempt to break this new person i've become ( by a roast ). for some reason my true self has cocooned into this nutshell or a fake.. or bit of both. never have ever felt so emo at lost with words. my history goes for a long time since i cut my heart out and lived with the satisfaction of my ego and self actualization. Worked for me a good while . right about un till she re-lit my heart on fire and swallowed the flames of my burning desire... that wretched *****bitch.

anyhow i cannot wear my sad ***ass on my sleeve everyday, its depressing. so if i go along time without truly expressing myself.. i'll wind up doing something stupid like with this thread opening with a lousy choice of words seeing if stirring up something will change the course.

more or less i have to apologize for this cheap shot for attention. yall been more help than anyone i've met.


along with that.. out there.. being who i am deep down i have trust issues. I remember having a conversation with a friend who was having a similar situation about how we are so imbued with reasoning and rationale that all we're doing is impressing ourselves and our egos .. there's no bonding. no actualization in the company with others. its turned to a cubicle lifestyle, and trusting someone can put you at risk of being hurt. news flash .. if im not sensitive im insensitive and i see the light nobody gets hurt.. but when im sensitive and true until im hurt.. forget it.. everything goes black.

areolian has some direction to the kinda of philosophy i lived by.. till something or someone pulled the rug under me. i miss being IDGAF and im probably hating myself cuz tormenting myself with this weird limp helpless ideology i've been picking up.

lastly.. yea while this is all happening.. i do know better, i have the wisdom by the experience and all and yes.. i cannot help myself with that cuz im so wrapped up in this obsessiveness. its like a stain that wont wash out. lol [end rant]

(1 week after post)
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I don't think you need a roast. I think you need to draw the attention away from you and onto something else. Maybe, a goal. Maybe something else - someone else. Nothing else. Just distract yourself from negative thoughts. Focus on the positivity and good things!

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