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How do I let go

I canโ€™t remember the last time I relaxed. Iโ€™m so uptight, anxious, tense, and self aware. I just want to relax and be happy. But how?

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Music- blasting it as loud as you can and singing on the top of your lungs

Car rides

A good book- or audio books

Stand up comedy



Sleeping pills and a good nights sleep


A good cry


Mani pedi

43ca60d0 2fa2 42fe b234 d2ff6891f6dc
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Playing with puppies

Hiippie chick beautiful
(3 hours after post)
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Ohhh everything that music=life mentioned in their reply...โ€ฆ.
I am still learning this myself...
Be good to YOURSELF...treat yourself to things that you love.
Make time for the things that you want to do.
Being around other people helps.
Being you have to be alone a lot of the time.
But just be good to you....I wish you everything good...CaraMia

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Basically do something, anything, that will take your mind off yourself. For me, that would be driving a race car. What do you find challenges your mind outside your little box?

(6 hours after post)
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i had this problem

how did i let go?.. even when i felt like i couldn't with everything the external world was leeched onto me.

i let go when i said to myself in layman terms.. ***fuk this ****shit.

allow me to elaborate.. i cared because it was important.. and to me in my case this was all new incoming matters that needed to be taken care of. but instead of handling it promptly - it passed the logic of things all the way right through me.. and got caught in the emotions and the better of me. .. i was so negligent about that fact - it became worrisome.

worry and emotions stirs up into a pot of miserable hopelessness .. and it nearly killed me.

all that can be over when your discipline overrides to .. FTS im gonna act cool, handle it like champ.. and its easy as pie...

the problem started in my head.. the solution starts there as well.

better yet.. if it happens again.. just remember .. how it started and how its solved.

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I agree with all the above.
I prefer to just blast music like aim doing right now (poor Neighbours)
Or listen to a Comedian. Chubby Brown and Jim Davidson they cheer you up no end(depending on your soh)

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Anything distracting is good as long as your mind doesn't wander into places of darkness and self loathing. When you stay there that is called clinical depression. The doctors only answer is medication, which in my opinion frightenly too common.

Billy mills
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Exercise and cold showers. The best is to combine both exercise and cold water exposure. I hate cold showers but if I exercise and follow with a cold shower I feel great for the next 4 hours and sleep much better at night.

Take a look at the Wim Hof Method. There are YouTube videos and an app that is now free in the app store. It is fascinating. Basically combines breathing techniques, exercise, meditation and cold water exposure. I am usually very skeptical about such things but this one seems to be legit. Good luck!

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Get some paper and a pencil.
Now sit down in a comfy place and ponder all the things that make you smile. Even the briefest and simplest of ideas count. As they come to you, write them down. Don't dwell, just write. Don't rush either, there are no points given to those that finish first.
While this exercise in no way tells you how to be happy, it may lead you in the right direction.
Good luck

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Hang around people that are more uptight and anxious than you....
The rest will fall into place.

Original Poster
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๐Ÿ’€B.A.1.๐Ÿ’€ wrote:
Hang around people that are more uptight and anxious than you....
The rest will fall into place.

I already do BA! Thatโ€™s the problem

Original Poster
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Iโ€™m still suffering with depression. Itโ€™s so strange I never considered that I was since for the past two months I have been getting out more.

But the truth is I am. I donโ€™t know how to fix it. So Iโ€™m trying to do all the things that I used to do before the depression. I signed up for the gym again. Now I just have to force myself to go.

I have mixed feelings about it since when I got skinny I turned into a person who I hate and feel guilty about even years later.

Maybe thatโ€™s where the depression and self hate comes from. When I was good enough, I was a shorty person

Original Poster
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Anonymous wrote:
Iโ€™m still suffering with depression. Itโ€™s so strange I never considered that I was since for the past two months I have been getting out more.

But the truth is I am. I donโ€™t know how to fix it. So Iโ€™m trying to do all the things that I used to do before the depression. I signed up for the gym again. Now I just have to force myself to go.

I have mixed feelings about it since when I got skinny I turned into a person who I hate and feel guilty about even years later.

Maybe thatโ€™s where the depression and self hate comes from. When I was good enough, I was a shitty person

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Change your surroundings. Visit someplace you have never seen before. In addition, do some volunteer work. Help people better their lives. They are suffering too through no fault of their own. Show them there are still people in their lives that still show passion.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Beer and Xanax will relax the crap out of you. Stay out of the car afterwards though..

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DocteurRalph wrote:
Beer and Xanax will relax the crap out of you. Stay out of the car afterwards though..

:D ..I can confirm, Doc knows what he is writing about..!

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Oh. I understand this.
Firstly, figure out when it is that you are feeling the deepest unrest.
If you feel it by simply talking to a certain person, then it is time to try to spend less and less time being around that person.
YOU are important here.
Do not let anyone or anything rob you of the joy that life really does have to offer.
I have found in the not too distant past that exercising is the best cure for everything that hurts you.
Walk...find a friend who will share those walks., that just jazzes those
But hon, please.
Do NOT sit around rolling in your pain.
(Been there)
Keep moving and doing.
I believe..."When I rest, I rust"....
Best of everything to you...PamAnn

(4 days after post)
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Try thinking from the perspective that you already have. Try changing your perception so that you will not be reactive to anxiety, but instead proactive.

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