Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
last online: 07/08, 10:43
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Everyone should read this article from Field & Stream magazine, whether you've experienced depression or not.

Some of us have it without even knowing it. Here you go:

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depression, experienced, knowing, magazine, fieldandstream
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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(41 seconds after post)
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Thanks, HelpBot, but at the moment I am plotting only YOUR demise! ;-)

Happy earth
(1 hour after post)
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Good article. Thanks for posting.

Pin zpsnvl44m6p
(15 hours after post)
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Did you write it? Are you affiliated in any way with the writer or the mag? What exactly is it that you're getting out of this? ;)

pinocchiothepuppet wrote:
Did you write it? Are you affiliated in any way with the writer or the mag? What exactly is it that you're getting out of this? ;)

Perchance, one less friend to bury.

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(19 hours after post)
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pinocchiothepuppet wrote:
Did you write it? Are you affiliated in any way with the writer or the mag? What exactly is it that you're getting out of this? ;)

No--Bill Heavey, a featured columnist for the magazine, is the author. He writes humorous articles for the magazine.

So you have a humor writer--and he's been dealing with depression for years. He even thought about stepping in front of a subway train.

The point is that depression can strike without warning. It can strike you, or a friend, or someone in your family. The article did a wonderful job of showing how this could happen.

Because of what he had gone through, Bill could be there for a friend.

People suffering from depression often believe that there is no hope. Bill showed us how another person can be that hope.

I hope this helps!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(5 days after post)
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Thanks for posting it Sherlock. I can't imagine being depressed when you're a teenager or even on into middle age. Life to me has always been so much fun but these "golden years" are anything but golden. Nothing is new anymore, my body hurts all the time, it's hard to even get out of bed... I needed to read this.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
Thanks for posting it Sherlock. I can't imagine being depressed when you're a teenager or even on into middle age. Life to me has always been so much fun but these "golden years" are anything but golden. Nothing is new anymore, my body hurts all the time, it's hard to even get out of bed... I needed to read this.

My father complains about his various aches periodically, but he's always said he doesn't really feel old besides these, as he had viewed this age in the past, and is still fairly energetic albeit not as nimble. I can understand little of your burden, doc, yet I think it's inspirational, maintaining zest in spite of it.

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 week after post)
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I think all of us experience SOME depression. It comes in degrees. But when it's severe, most people need help to climb out of the rut it puts them in!

Mine.... mine i say!!!
(1 week after post)
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That was an excellent article. With few words the monster that is clinical depression was characterized quite well. I have depression and know that feeling of feeling like what ever bad happens to you is well deserved and to be expected. Treatment, reinforcing my inner circle with steel, and reflection have helped me reach an age I never really pictured myself getting to.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 weeks after post)
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jadecat7 wrote:
That was an excellent article. With few words the monster that is clinical depression was characterized quite well. I have depression and know that feeling of feeling like what ever bad happens to you is well deserved and to be expected. Treatment, reinforcing my inner circle with steel, and reflection have helped me reach an age I never really pictured myself getting to.

So glad you liked it!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 weeks after post)
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And yeah I used to think that people that were 60 were REALLY old and suddenly I'm about to hit it and I don't feel REALLY old... I just don't feel young. Never will again. Even when I was 40 I had days that I felt new and fresh and 18 but not any more. HA. The crazy part is that my wife's daddy is 75 and still works. He's not on any medication, is perfectly healthy and comes over to my house all the time to hang out and complains less than I do. Yeah it really is about attitude and having a zest for life.

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last online: 08/21, 7:48
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(4 weeks after post)
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Really helpful article, thanks for sharing, Sherlock.

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