755 replies, Replies 1 to 10

Is "sherlockian" still active here?

Still here!

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Many of you here remember our friend littlenick.

I have been communicating with Little Nick. He is active on Facebook. My little cat Guinevere was put to sleep the week before last. She was very sick. These are devastating things.

And I am once again a stranger ib a strange land.

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Lately I've been dreaming stuff.

The next time you have this dream, light into this character and beat the stuffings out of him. Call upon magical powers you have if you need to. Take control of the dream!

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Every time I show up here, you can hear the echo of my posts since I'm the only one here.

Wait! I can hear crickets!

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What is the most ethical profession?

The two worst: doctors and lawyers.

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Facebook is really beginning to suck big time!

Zuckerberg is a twit!

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Bob Mueller...

He cost me a good job. His background check division claimed it could not read fingerprints--they did this so they could reduce their backlog by simply trashing applications. I had to get my Congressman involved. They wasted six months of my precious time. Mueller never responded to a letter I wrote to him. He bungled the anthrax mail investigation. Not my hero.

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Should I stay or should I go?

That company is failing. People did not do the right things. It will probably go down the tubes.

My advice: find another job and bail on this company.

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I feel like my bosses are always on my case.

I am with Rockster. They want you to be fully aware of the critical things in the company.

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I was born and raised in the same state my entire life.

Ditto for me! Toronto is an aluminum and glass ant hill!

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