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Lately I've been dreaming stuff.

It's normal for me but I think its real.
This big human yet not human like man who's black. Not race. Like black the color. Just darkness.
He has been trapping me and a bunch of others in this dark place where you have to try to get through the whole place alive or else you suffer forever or die.
The place mainly consists of dead children dismembered and monsters.

I made it out alive so far. But last night he told me his name. Its Balthamos. Except longer.. but I forgot the 2nd part of his name and dont really know how to spell it. I asked him how to spell it and he said hes never had too.

He grabbed my arms and asked me if I'd like a razor to cut myself in front of him. He wants me to.
And I lied and said yes to keep him happy and stay alive.

But now I feel like. Hes real, that place is real.

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place, real, asked, alive, spell
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Spooky ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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How often is the dream? Has anything unusual/traumatic happened in your life lately? Do you take any meds, especially psych meds that could have this 'side effect'?

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Sleep paralysis maybe?

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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The next time you have this dream, light into this character and beat the stuffings out of him. Call upon magical powers you have if you need to. Take control of the dream!

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