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I feel like my bosses are always on my case.

I try to do my best at my job and my manager has even told me lately that she trusts me more than anyone else there. I was even promoted about a month ago. But it seems like here lately my boss and then the assistant manager (her especially) is always on my case about something. I feel like since I’ve gotten the promotion that they both have been nagging me something terrible. And I can’t help but wonder if they want me gone. My boss acts like she likes me and talks to me all of the time but idk if I’m over thinking things or what I just have a feeling that they push me into a new role in hopes that I would quit. I know it sounds crazy but I just can’t help think that because of how they have been acting towards me lately. I do have another job interview later this week. But how do you go about dealing with bosses that are constantly nagging about something? I feel like it’s always something different and it’s stressing me out.

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feel, job, boss, bosses, nagging
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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It's probably just a natural rift of events.

I would say your boss may be dealing with her own pressures (wether they be personal or professional or both) which may explain some of the way she leans on you. Step outside of the box and maybe reach out to her.

And then are the adjustments to your new position. Find confidence in what you do. Settle anything that is questionable. The job only requires so much from you - the rest is hype.

As for the assistant manager it's good to find out if s/he is friend or foe.

What's the nagging about?

(1 hour after post)
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Is it possible they’re nagging about new responsibilities that you’ve taken on because of the manager position?

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(9 hours after post)
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I am with Rockster. They want you to be fully aware of the critical things in the company.

(4 days after post)
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Jobs can't care how you feel and aren't your friend at all. They really don't like giving you that promotion especially if it costs them more money. Your manager might, but she's not the corporate strategic person okay? She's a people person trained to be a yes person and make people feel happy. business has an inherent lack of value for most employees compared to their bottom line. I'm scared to seriously seriously have to say that I think capitalism in general is inherently forcing us to ****fuck each other over every day of our lives in preference to green colored paper. But I never disagree that it is illogical that they do this. The competitiveness is in the design. It turns our greed and even instinct to survive and grow against us.

I get mad sometimes that only top execs and owners seem to make livable wages these days while standing on the backs of the people that make their money for them while simultaneously denying them the same (whether through greed or reasonable lack of means.) The middle class truly is already gone imo.

I’ll emphasize that it’s great if you work hard and reach the top. Doing so without realizing how disgusting it is though, is immoral. This is why I believe we may never find real happiness in money. It can just compliment your real happiness. If such a thing exists to begin with....And you're lucky enough to find it.

These business folks are nothing but crooked crack ******whores gauging money out of their employees any way they can for their next fix.

But they're only capitalists.
Do we get mad at the storm? No. There is not much we can do about it.
But if I ever think of a better system I'll certainly let everyone know. And I'm sure you'll all be like "Yeah let's do that instead."

But until then I guess I'll have to participate in what we got....

Even if it makes me wish I'd die.

you're bosses want as much work out of you as possible and don't care more about anything else. Not you not anything. At any company. So don't think quitting and working for another asshole will fix it. It won't. You're ******fucked.

(Don't feel too bad, we all are)

the common denominator between people like me and maybe you, and people like them, is they're more comfortable taking a bigger piece of the pie. Not a normal helping that would already give you diabetes and is a portion that is well beyond adequate. But a much much bigger piece of the pie. Our pie.
They're eating it. And they don't give a ****shit.

It seems this kind of vile perspective is required to even be in that sort of position as an owner or top exec. They're sharks and they will eat you. And enjoy every moment of the taste of your metaphorical blood.

But can we blame them? No. If I could make lots of money and ****fuck you too I'm sure I would(maybe, i just haven't been able to bring myself to do it) But I can blame a shitty system: Capitalism.

And I'd still know how immoral it is if I did.

Being smart and knowing your business is one thing. Acting like you own something when you don't is *******fucking stupid. And that's what they want you to do. "Take ownership."

....Take ownership of my ****cock and put it ...anyway

It's stupid. Know what they're really about.

Not you, not your hopes dreams performance or life. It is MONEY.

Priority number 1 is money. And they'll feed you just all the bullshit they have to to keep you interested. To keep you in the palm of their greedy *******fucking hand. Prove to me I'm lying or even exaggerating. I'd bet you really can't.

(i had to edit this like crazy because some crack head has hacked this machine and is *******fucking with I/O devices(like my keyboard skipping letters even though there was a key press) and i'd bet money this sick *******fucking hacker is a businessman. yes a man not woman. i hope i catch the sick ****fuck lol anyway side topic!)

(4 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
I am with Rockster. They want you to be fully aware of the critical things in the company.

I almost got really excited. At first glance I thought you said you were with RockStar as in RockStar Games. I was gonna be like "I know somebody that works for RockStar Games! Who wants to play GTA???"

LOL but then I saw it's Rockster. And I've never heard of them o.o

....wait, is that an energy drink?

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