755 replies, Replies 11 to 20

I was born and raised in the same state my entire life.

My son is there!

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Figuring my mum out

She sabotaged everything done for her. Either depression or she feels she does not deserve any happiness.

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Anyone a doctor?

"Your mood is your diet"--that is indeed a profound insight!

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Advice needed.

Maybe it is time to talk to a pastor or priest.

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I was born and raised in the same state my entire life.

Gas is outrageously expensive in Southern California--between $4 and $5 per gallon. A cracker box house can cost a million. The cost of living is astronomical. People are very rude in LA.

Of course, in SoCal you have good weather pretty much year-round, and it's supposed to be the "hippest" place in the nation.

I wouldn't move there because of their ridiculous gun laws.

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Another investment type question....

No problem then--someone else's headaches!

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Another investment type question....

And it doesn't take many bad renters to destroy your investment. I just had one turkey do $9,000 worth of damage because the idiot's girlfriend stopped up the commode with tampons, and just kept flushing, flushing, flushing the toilet until it flooded all of the downstairs. You will realize, after you've rented out a house, that there is no limit to some people's stupidity.

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Another investment type question....

As for the investment, I wouldn't do it. Ninety-one units. Ninety-one renters--about 25% at any one time won't be paying the rent. Imagine dealing with that week in, week out, month in, month out. They'll have the money for the rent--but will spend it on weed or booze.

You have no idea, Padre, just how irresponsible people can be until you are a landlord!!!

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Another investment type question....

I'm dealing with such a problem right now. People think that paying rent is optional if they have a good enough "hard luck" story--and believe me, they are never without a "hard luck" story.

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I feel like my boss is starting to get too nosey.

Your boss is a sandwich or two shy of a picnic.

Be careful to not reveal too much to her.

Change the subject!

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