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I feel like my boss is starting to get too nosey.

For some reason within the past week my boss has been asking me really personal questions. I don’t know why she is doing this. First, I live with my older sister and she asked me if I pay rent or if my sister lets me live there for free. I told her “No. I pay my sister and I pay my own bills.” My sister doesn’t care that I live with her. We are very close. Secondly, I was in the back cooking my lunch. We only have a microwave so I usually just buy those little microwaveable meals to bring for my lunch. So, I’m standing there waiting for my food to get done cooking and out of no where (in front of others who are sitting back there) she asks me what I’m having for lunch. And I told her I had a Healthy Choice pesto meal. And out of no where she asks “do you ever cook or does your sister cook?” And I just looked at her for a moment because I don’t understand what she’s trying to do. I responded again by saying “No. I cook. Sometimes she cooks and sometimes we go out to dinner.” And I ended it there. I have asked friends outside of work what they think and they don’t understand why she’s suddenly being like this. I mean maybe I think it’s too nosey, but my friends think it as well. Some told me to tell her it’s none of her business and some think she’s trying to get some sort of reaction out of me. How do I handle this? Is she being too nosey?

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told, sister, cook, lunch, nosey
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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Its a little nosey, but not greatly intrusive. Maybe its just her way of chit chat. She does seem oddly interested in your sister though!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Hey, when you go to the bathroom, does your sister hold your hand....?

When you get up in the morning, do you get up by yourself or does sister get you up?

That's a nice jacket, is that your sisters' or did she happen to choose it for you?

Gas prices - does sister buy your gas, or does she just drop you off?

I could go on, but I think you get the point. None of this has anything to do with your sister in all reality.

I'm tempted to think your boss is a cast-iron, raging narcissist and you are her trip wire.

She's on a power trip.

- out of no where (in front of others who are sitting back there) she asks me what I’m having for lunch. And I told her I had a Healthy Choice pesto meal. And out of no where she asks “do you ever cook or does your sister cook?”

"It's not like she came all this way to put this in the microwave."

You might have to take a moment and put her in place.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(13 hours after post)
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Your boss is a sandwich or two shy of a picnic.

Be careful to not reveal too much to her.

Change the subject!

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(15 hours after post)
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I love my sisters and wouldn't mind living with them or them living with me, maybe the concept just seems foreign to her because she lacks those relationships? Just a shot in the dark, it could be anything. If I were you, I'd just give her really boring, short answers.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Maybe she's just trying to be talkative. It doesn't sound that nosey to me. Heck I ask more personal questions than that to strangers all the time. Ask her some really personal questions back is what I'd probably do, but then I'm a sandwich shy myself.

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(3 days after post)
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Just play along with it, if you can. Having a positive boss relationship is so important for your mental health and happiness. I would avoid any possible negative interaction with your boss and try to keep it as positive as you can. Even if it means pretending you enjoy her company. Try to make everything into a joke if you can, like you're making light out of her questions instead of answering them in a trial sort of way. It'll make her think you answered the question and also keep things light.

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