Happy earth
last online: 11/26, 18:47
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Apathy, laziness.

What can you do about it in other people? I'm guessing nothing.

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people, apathy, guessing, laziness
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I don't know. There is a point at which people are who they are and you can't change them.

Sometimes talking to people and being direct, yet non crtical can help talk them into changing something about themselves.

There are people who are apathetic even when their life and health on the line, so i don't know what to do about that.

(4 days after post)
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You have to know what the meaning of "incentives" are.
There is always something that people will rise to.

Happy earth
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Anonymous wrote:
You have to know what the meaning of "incentives" are.
There is always something that people will rise to.

For example?

(4 days after post)
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smiley wrote:
For example?

I can't provide the example. You must know the deepest, rudimentary elements of your partner (or the person in question) to understand what will motivate him/her. I cannot tell you because I do not know the person of whom you speak or their character. Reflect on the years of experience you have with him and remember their energy.
It is by doing that you can create the proper incentive.

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sloth is a sin, so they say.

I would guess for those who slug it out - love their vices.

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