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(For the older people)

Is it true that at a certain point in life you just get truly bitter about everything? The only thing I feel is relieved when I am left alone and angry when I am not. I'm 37. This has been going on for the past.. about 7 years.

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Anonymous edited this post .

Next motherfucker that fucks with me I'm going to beat the fucking hell out of you and that's gonna be that BITCH¬ ¬ I PROMISE IT!!! DO IT AGAIN AND YOU'RE FUCKED. ¬ ¬ I'm carrying around a baseball bat bitch i'm going to crush your fucking skull in NEXT TIME YOU FUCK WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¬ ¬ LEAVE ME ALONE IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU CUNTS!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous edited this post .

Next(For motherfucker that fucks with me I'm going to beat the fuckingolder hellpeople) ¬ ¬ Is outit oftrue you and that's gonnaat be that BITCH¬ ¬ I PROMISE IT!!! DO IT AGAIN AND YOU'RE FUCKED. ¬ ¬ I'm carrying around a baseballcertain batpoint bitch i'm going to crush your fucking skull in NEXTlife TIMEyou YOUjust FUCKget WITHtruly ME!!!!!!!!¬ ¬ LEAVEbitter MEabout ALONEeverything? The IFonly YOUthing KNOWI WHATfeel ISis GOODrelieved FORwhen YOUI CUNTS!!!!!!!!!am left alone and angry when I am not. I'm 37. This has been going on for the past.. about 7 years.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Interesting Post - rather should I say; interesting edit. I start off like that quite often and then whittle my way back to sanity....

All I can say is irony can be very ironic. As such it can be mistaken for bitterness. Just as being hurt is often mistaken for being angry.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(10 hours after post)
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I have to agree that being alone now that I am older is much more pleasurable than it was when I was younger. I used to really enjoy a lot going on and being surrounded by people, and now not so much.

I don't really consider 37 to be 'older people' though. My sister was still having kids when she was 42. When I was 40 I felt about the same as I did when I was 30. I know I changed a lot between being 18 and 25, and again between 25 and 30, but really I didn't start feeling old until I was 50. Things haven't changed that much either.

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(12 hours after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:

I don't really consider 37 to be 'older people' though.

Well I guess I meant older than me. I asked the question to anyone who I thought might know an answer or at least be able to share their opinion/experience as you did. It's nice things don't change much I hope I'm lucky and don't have to go through a lot of hell to stay healthy for example. What makes me feel the worst about life is having lost enough family and friends already to know I should treat existing ones as precious. But time is a friend to none and so much to distract and divert us.

(15 hours after post)
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That escalated quickly!
Sorry in advance for responding although I'm not older, this is just a general thought not necessarily applying to you.
People always feel the need to belong somewhere. Sometimes the realization that you don't, can be disappointing. But truth is, noone truly does. We only see small fractures of others and if they're relatable somehow, we have the illusion of belonging. Sometimes it's frustrating when you realize that more things divide us than not, but it's only when you'll accept the other for what he/she is, that you can also become accepted. It's our insecurities/inefficiency that make such connections hard.
I'd say you're on a good path because most people only realize how they must treat family and friends when it's too late, and also at some point you'll need to decide that you just need to be you (whatever this means) and not to care how others are, rather than what impact you want to have in their life and what you want to get from your relationships. but hey, I'm just 30, what do I know! 😋
Having said that, you're not old, sorry, the exclusive old peoples club won't accept your submission! From what you're saying, it seems to me that you've either decided that others don't worth your time or/and you don't worth theirs. If I were you I'd make sure it's not some bad inner voice that creates this frustration.

(16 hours after post)
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i dont think its age that makes people bitter, its inconsolability

Original Poster
(23 hours after post)
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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
Interesting Post - rather should I say; interesting edit. I start off like that quite often and then whittle my way back to sanity....

All I can say is irony can be very ironic. As such it can be mistaken for bitterness. Just as being hurt is often mistaken for being angry.

In a way I'm glad you noticed this. In a way I'm not. If that makes sense.
But whittling back to sanity is fine and good it's not going to stop some stupid *****bitch from getting a bat to the head one day I'm afraid. I'm sick of stupid retards getting in my way. I should have a right to live my life without being forced to allow stupid retards to ****fuck me up. If they are to *******fucking retarded to move themselves I'LL MOVE THEM. I hate dumb *****cunts who think they can excerpt control over someone else, particularly me. I'll end it!

It's every god damn day!!! I'm going to Walmart today to buy my baseball bat and I want to see how it goes. I promise I wont play baseball with it.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anonymous wrote:
I'm going to Walmart today to buy my baseball bat and I want to see how it goes. I promise I wont play baseball with it.

- That's the spirit, by god!
And don't forget to stop off and have that wenches name engraved into the wood, either!

(But, seriously....keep yourself outta jail).

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Well it was sane for a while, and then it nose dived right into batshit crazy... keep up the good work Al!

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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DocteurRalph wrote:
Well it was sane for a while, and then it nose dived right into batshit crazy... keep up the good work Al!

Thanks Doc, just keeping things spicy (and need I say I was only kidding?)

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(3 months after post)
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I don't think it has to do with age, but with attitude! I am 59.

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