last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Why are many young people proclaiming their bipolar?

My source is simple observation.
I dont remember soo many people being bipolar in the past.
Whats going on

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people, remember, bipolar, soo, observation
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hi! welcome back!
I haven't noticed such a thing, actually, I know a hell of a lot bipolars and not one of them is young.
but let's say its true. I think it's easier to get diagnosed nowadays, less misdiagnosis, not a taboo anymore so young people might be more open to admit it than older people, better treatment/more advanced drugs, so they can definitely live a decent life inside a society and not in a mental health institution, and also its possible people claiming to have something they don't, I think we digged our way to the other side, overdiagnosing, selfdiagnosing etc.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Hey thanks.. I just wanted other peoples perspective and I thank you. WELL SAID

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I think a lot (not all) of metal instability comes from stress and lack of exercise and eating the wrong stuff and other things like that. It's ridiculous to me that people think mental issues are indepentant of physical circumstances.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Your very right. I tell my bipolr friends to eat roght and run swim hike but in every case I was turned down and scolded because if you are bipolar its impossible to excercise.
Man its so frustrating verge because I know if you break inertia you would improve.
So my new way of helping people with bipolar is to bot say a word.
Oh well

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It's really great that there's work being done to remove stigma around mental illness including removing blame from the victim, all of that is positive, however it seems like people get all offended when you suggest there are some really simple things that a person can do to improve their mental health. I know from experience of changing my attitude and lifestyle and basically concluding that for a lot of us, depression is a choice. Sue me!

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I got a great attorney. Lol...
When I took up running and eating a plant based dietall my issues went away.
As a runner I know its impossible to be depressed and run at the same time.
Your focus is on self improvement.
The focus is shifted.
Im not saying running is a cure but I believe its one of the best treatments for mental health issues.
Its to bad no one listens

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Living in an unsane environment has effects on the psyche.

Anyone that is not struggling internally is of a much greater concern than those who do.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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I agree aeolian, when I was running I was in the best place of my life! I do think its great there is less taboo about mental illness, but I think we are in danger of making it an excuse for behaviour.

The world has changed drastically in the last few years. Its harder and easier at the same time.

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I do not believe it is possible to self-diagnose a bipolar disorder. Too many boxes need to be ticked to make that kind of claim.

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Same could be said of those claiming to suffer from PTSD.

................... squirrel! .................

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Who cares about boxes...

Anyway i think mental health issues are just reasons for big pharma to make money and for less money to be spent on tests to dip deep and find out what is REALLY wrong.

But we know whats wrong really. Its the chemicals in our food, in the air, in our drinks, in our pills and cosmetics, cleaning products, electromagnetic fields, pesticides, GMO foods.... jewellery, tattoos, heavy metals....

I think we make ourselves sick and then pass on our damaged DNA to our kids.

But sick people = profit. so the food companies ect are doing a grand job keeping big pharma in business.

Mental illness is a reason to ignore symptoms so they dont have to address how lyme disease was made as a bio weapon and ignoring vaccine injuries. Vaccines = $$$

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I think i may have aspergers and perhaps some traits of PTSD. But would need triggers to set it off. Otherwise i seem fine.

But when people dont believe im not doing my best or that i dont actually struggle, i lose my ****shit.

I dont care about boxes. People are complex and dont fit in boxes. Things fit in boxes not people. People go in boxes when they die.

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The more accepting people are of mental illness the more people will seek or accept a diagnosis.

A 1yr old got offered antidepressants.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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A 1 year old.
Thats not right

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Its certainly not. There was an article online about it

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