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If a guy pulls his truck over to talk to you, while you’re walking, does he like you?

He’s kinda confusing. He has my number and even my email but yet he will not make contact first. Now if I message him, he responds right away. But what I’m getting at is that he don’t message me or call me but whenever he sees me he stops and chats. Now, we live in the same neighborhood. Every time he sees me he will either slow down and honk his horn and wave, literally make a u turn to come back and talk to me, or just the other day he pulled his truck over just to speak to me. I don’t know what to make of this. But yet he won’t call or text first. Any advice? Does he like me or not?

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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talk, message, call, sees, truck
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(4 hours after post)
Quote this reply Report this reply to moderators're saying he won't contact you electronically, but he will reply out of respect.
But, on the other hand, when he sees you in reality he goes out of his way to talk to you.
Gee...I don't know. The dots are so hard to connect.

(21 hours after post)
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seems slimey to me.. but to think of it.. .how what would be real nice is a good looking lady with wild hair in a hot fancy car throwing some cash at me asking if i would like a good time..

my mind would go backwards

(6 days after post)
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Sounds like he's not free to communicate electronically. Maybe he's busy. But if he's not busy talking to you who is he busy talking to? What's going on around him that he can't reach into a txt for 5 seconds to even say 'i'm busy atm'

I agree with nacthoman it sounds shady af

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