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I had to memorize this in 5th grade.

How is it we can have a POTUS in the year 2020 who has no idea what any of it even means? SMH

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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states, united, constitution, establish, america
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jjlove01 edited this post .

I had to memorize this in 5th grade. How is it we can have a POTUS in the year 2020 who has no idea what any of it even means? SMH¬ ¬ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(35 minutes after post)
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Fb img 1591105178602
(3 hours after post)
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Bahahahaha... He's probably never even seen that! The dude is seriously damaged. 🙄

(14 hours after post)
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i remember watching this as a child.. thinking history was a cartoon???

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(14 hours after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
i remember watching this as a child.. thinking history was a cartoon???

That's sad! That's what trump thinks too. Don't be like trump!

(14 hours after post)
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lol. maybe i deserve to go to a re-education camp

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(14 hours after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
lol. maybe i deserve to go to a re-education camp

Nah. You are who you are, and that's a wonderful thing!

(14 hours after post)
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if you knew me well, i would not allow it, even its what people think i deserve. drop a limb and suck a nickle it aint happening

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(14 hours after post)
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Just be true to yourself! You really are all you need!

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* nods *

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NacthoMan wrote:
* nods *


last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(15 hours after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
i remember watching this as a child... thinking history was a cartoon???

You were a child and that's how children think. Only modern day Antifa-driven feminist and SJW's would let you kill the child in you without saying a word.

Fb img 1591105178602
(15 hours after post)
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BA1 wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
i remember watching this as a child... thinking history was a cartoon???

You were a child and that's how children think. Only modern day Antifa-driven feminist and SJW's would let you kill the child in you without saying a word.

You think way more child-like than this young man! Try growing up, K?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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jjlove01 wrote:

BA1 wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
i remember watching this as a child... thinking history was a cartoon???

You were a child and that's how children think. Only modern day Antifa-driven feminist and SJW's would let you kill the child in you without saying a word.

You think way more child-like than this young man! Try growing up, K?

That's not something you want me to do.
It wouldn't be fair for you.
And secondly, I wasn't calling him a child. Just not to let that spark of life be quenched by our childhood perceptions now that we are all adults.

(15 hours after post)
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sigh.. this leads me about the cumulative thought.. which is a peeve of mine.. i prefer unique thoughts which attracts me by their indecisive stance.. every one should be a unique individual.. not a collected thought by misdirection, **********domination or mislead by false alerts.

kid around sure.. as long as its not political-financial-judgemental.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(15 hours after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
sigh.. this leads me about the cumulative thought.. which is a peeve of mine.. i prefer unique thoughts which attracts me by their indecisive stance.. every one should be a unique individual.. not a collected thought by misdirection, **********domination or mislead by false alerts.

kid around sure.. as long as its not political-financial-judgemental.

That can be a rather difficult thing to accomplish in these days.

Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane once said it is very hard to write a song or compose music because so much of it has already been done.

How many thoughts can we have in a world of 8 billion before we get the idea that there isn't much original thought left to think.

(16 hours after post)
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point at the right direction eh?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(16 hours after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
point at the right direction eh?

Sure. I'm on it.

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(16 hours after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
sigh.. this leads me about the cumulative thought.. which is a peeve of mine.. i prefer unique thoughts which attracts me by their indecisive stance.. every one should be a unique individual.. not a collected thought by misdirection, **********domination or mislead by false alerts.

kid around sure.. as long as its not political-financial-judgemental.

Just be YOU!

(6 days after post)
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i want to step up .. but that would move to dictation
i want to share my emotions but that would bare my soul
what i feel might share
what you call an commotion
buzz on buzz off
who am i to say?

if not all in all would i stir into all of it
bam bah booh hoo
hooey whos the say
booze boo booey
thee oil man got to bleed
so weed can exceed.

buzz off bliss-ed bee.
again who am i to please?
save thee
a mess i pray to thee
for give...

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