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Im fuming mad.

My brother has a pet cat. Its a nice cat. I have nothing against it.

But im not a cat person. Or really an animal person at all. Im not huge on physical contact with people even. My brother obviously knows this well about me.

But everytime i come over he makes a big deal out of the fact that i don't want to pet his cat and that im just not interested in interacting with it at all. He intentionally tries to make me feel bad about it.

Its really annoying and then he will feel bad when i don't necessarily find time to visit him often O.o

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Lano edited this post .

Im fuming mad.¬ ¬ My brother has a pet cat. Its a nice cat. I have nothing against it.¬ ¬ But im not a cat person. Or really an animal person at all. IveIm also not huge on physical contact with people even. My brother obviously knows this well about me.¬ ¬ But everytime i come over he makes a big deal out of the fact that i don't want to pet his cat and that im just not interested in interacting with it at all. He intentionally tries to make me feel bad about it.¬ ¬ ¬ Its really annoying and then he will feel bad when i don't necessarily find time to visit him often O.o

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