68 replies, Replies 21 to 30

We should make this a secular site.

She didn't make any real changes to be honest. Maybe she corrected my grammar.

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We should make this a secular site.

Hey, nevermind edited my post. Only the original poster should be allowed to edit a post. That should be a rule here, if there aremto be any rules.

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We should make this a secular site.

There is not a constant flow of people needing help like in the original site. This is more like a class reunion.

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We should make this a secular site.

smiley wrote:
Disclosure: I'm a moderator on a religious discussion website, and we have a rule prohibiting proselytizing. It does sometimes come down to interpretation, but it is an effective way to help all users feel comfortable. Some aggressive religious people border on bullying or trolling with their preaching.

very good idea

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We should make this a secular site.

But this site is not very visited in any case like yeti said.

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We should make this a secular site.

I have actually thought about this issue overnight and I have concluded that I was over zealous in wanting what I want. Christians tend to cut me out or ban me from their sites if I disturb the peace by giving my true opinion. I would not want to do the same to them here. The only thing that concerns me is that vulnerable people who don't know better are purposefully led down the wrong path. Be it scientology or christianity it is still dangerous.

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We should make this a secular site.

I still say religion is fiction. If you help someone with fictive advice it is a recipe for disaster.

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We should make this a secular site.

I'm not advocating feeding Christians to the lions Max. Judging from the replies it is more like atheists will get fed to the lions. There are so many religious people here, it is astounding.

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What can I do on the internet?

smiley wrote:
MOOCs! Coursera and edx both have lots of free classes opening all the time.

If you like documentaries, I recommend a $3 per month subscription to Curiosity Stream.

I will look into that. Thank you very much.

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What can I do on the internet?

Neutra-The-SpaceWeaver wrote:
Write news articles and movie reviews
There's also editorials on things you want to talk about

I will have to get a good keyboard for something like that. At the moment I only work on my tablet. Thank you very much.

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