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We should make this a secular site.

Anonymous wrote:

SerenelyBlue wrote:
Not interested thank you.

aren't you happy i supported you

what do you mean? Who are you?

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We should make this a secular site.

Not interested thank you.

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We should make this a secular site.

Mya wrote:

SerenelyBlue wrote:

Believe me I know a lot about Christianity. I studied it for over 20 years.

You might know a lot about Christianity, but have you ever had a relationship with God?! That is the whole point of what (Christian) God wants from us - to have a relationship with Him / to do His will.

How do you have a relationship with an entity that does not speak to you or show itself? Except if you are mentally ill.

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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

Gautama Buddha's followers also wanted to make him a god. Followers tend to want to make their spiritual teachers into gods, especially if they claim they are, as in Jesus's case.

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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

Sherlock wrote:
Christ rode a donkey into Jerusalem. A conqueror would have ridden a horse. If the story were embellished, a woman would not have been the first to see the risen Jesus. And the Apostles would not have been ordinary men, but the intelligentsia of their day. And a fiery chariot would have taken Him into heaven before He could have been crucified. You get the picture.

Actually I get a clear picture out of how his followers justified the crucifiction of their teacher. If he existed.
And, why would you care to limit their imagination to your idea of how you think they should have told the story?
The embellished story is in keeping with the theme and teaching of Jesus.
If Jesus really raised people from the dead, healed people, walked on water and more, how could these miracles not have been noticed by the real historians of his time?

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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.


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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

Thank you for the article. I don't really have a problem with the existence of Jesus, if he existed.
If you've read Bart Erhman, as you say you have, you will see that he believes Jesus was a human apocalyptic teacher. What he is and has done was embellished by humans.
I don't know if you've seen Brave Heart. After William Wallace disappeared his stature grew dramatically . All of a sudden he was taller and he has killed 100 men. You get the picture.

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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

Ok, so you don't understand how different things evolved all on their own. So you say God did it. He tweaked evolution in a zillion instances. Throughout history those "God did it" instances became less and less as scientists discover how things work. God used to make the sun rise and fall. God used to bring forth the colours of the rainbow as a sign of no more floods. Now God tweeks evolution and hurries off into another dimension because he he is shy of human eyes. He lives in a whole other part of a multiverse perhaps. Wow. Indeed wow... where did you read these things in the Bible? I read, God created Adam from dirt. You read he tweaked evolution and stays in another dimension or part of the multiverse. I can't find that in a book that reads as if it has been written by people who lived in the ancient times that it was written in.

Ask yourself, why are there so many Muslims. Their god must be real too then right? If the number of Christians at this very moment is your reason why Christianity must be real then explain why Islam is growing and outgrowing Christianity in many areas on the globe.
I believe that if there is a god, which is possible, it would be a deist god. A god that put everything in motion and let it develop on its own. He could well be anywhere. You believe in an anthropomorphic god of the bible. This god gets pissed, he is filled with humanlike love. This god gets angry at his offspring and drowns them in global flood (no evidence for it). This god gets jealous.
Do you really think the mighty creator of the existence is troubled by human emotions. A god that has the power to create the big bang (perhaps multiple big bangs in the multiverse) is bogged down to this blue marble in seemingly never ending space.
Humans evolved as a direct result of their environment through natural selection. Nature played the role in ********breeding only those which ultimately had the promise of overcoming hurdles. How can such a creature be in the image of God? How can such a creature be the pinnacle of creation. Yes evolution is marvelous and it is a wonder that we are what we are.
What makes you think a possible god is your god? You seem to think that if there is a god, he must be the Christian god. What is your proof?
Why didn't Jesus, like for example, Confucius write his own bible. Imagine what a wonderful document the father of existence could write. If I were a Christian I would be ashamed to call the Bible the word of god.
If god could tweak evolution a zillion times, if he could raise Jesus to life, why did he not preserve the truth better?
Those who do not have a God have a god. You mean like Satan? That mythical story, like seth of Egypt. I love mythology. The human mind is brilliant when it comes to imagining such things.
Or do you mean I have a god, like I love knowledge or something like that. I do not understand.
I think you are obsessed with gods.
The universe could have come about in a way where no god is involved.

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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

And don't tell me you don't believe in evolution. If you don't, save your breath, because I don't want to hear more ignorance.

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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

The evolution of the universe took billions of years. The evolution of intelligent life took millions. It is a slow process with much refinement. It is not a happy accident as you seem to believe.
There are so many contradictions and inconsistencies in your "holy" bible. The gospels are more fiction that anything else. Nothing is certain about Jesus. You need blind faith to believe in god and jesus because there is no other valid evidence. None whatsoever. You make up stories about doors opening and light witnessed and this and that but you don't have a case.
Show me your god. Show me how to see evidence of him. You have no evidence. You belong to a cult. Like the mormons and the scientologists and all the cults out there. You use the bible to prove that the bible is real. Show me proof of god.

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