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Its been a year and 2 months...

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Im back!

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

Being truly altruistic always ends in a cost (or punishment) for the altruism.

When you give, give without expectation. Otherwise itโ€™s not a good deed. Itโ€™s a self serving one

- written - voted for by BA1
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Does anyone want to talk about New Years resolutions?

My only resolution this year is to have more fun!

Last year I worked my ***ass off, my business became really busy when covid wasnt getting in the way!

With all the despair, its made me take a look at life and rethink things. I want to laugh more, do more for myself, have more fun! My hobby became my business so I feel I need another fun outlet that definitely wont become my business. Something thats not goal orientated.

My other resolutions are finish the first year of my degree, and survive a Malinois puppy, buy a house/land, and convert a van into a campervan.

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Does anyone want to talk about New Years resolutions?

Nevermind wrote:
Yeah I dont usually do new years resolutions. I do different stuff whenever I want.

But I guess my new years resolution would be to learn to "adult"
I'm trying to do more adult things
Not like drinking or boys but. Like maybe starting to save money and stuff.

My goals are usually in the now goals so current im only concerned about getting through the short term since that's hard enough.
Anytime I save up money I have to pay a large emergency vet bills or I give all my money away. I was saving money to get my cat an elective surgery that will improve her life when my big sister told me she was 2 months behind on rent, leaving her husband and had no own too watch the kids. I used all my money to pay her bills and I spent all this time at her place looking after her babies but my own babies suffered and that cat who I was saving money for got very very sick and almost died. Still isn't in the clear. I didnt know she was sick either because I was gone a full week watching my sisters kids.

I constantly do that. My sister ended up in a bad way cause shes irresponsible and everyone always knows I'll help anyway but that doesn't always help myself. So my short term goals is to get my cat well, get her the 2 surgeries, and get better and self care. Sometimes I just dont do basic self care. Not sometimes. Most the time.
I won't take care of my hair so I cut it.

Things like that.

Sorry to hear that Nevermind. That's so very kind of you to help out your sister. I hope your cat gets better soon!

- written
brain fuzz..

NacthoMan wrote:

Lano wrote:
The moon is made of cheese.

wouldn't all the rodents in the world start a space program to live off that big ball of cheese? apparently they havent!

Apparently the rodents prefer chocolate.

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Have you ever cut off a family member.


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Have you ever cut off a family member.


My dad's family has cut off one of my dads cousins, she did something shady involving a will and cheating her siblings out of inheritance. I dont know the details, it happened 30 years or so ago, way before I remember or was aware of things.

Personally, I cut off my cousins, kinda long story but she asked me to pick the kids up from school and baby sit for a few hours several times. I didnt mind until the kids started having breakdowns thinking mum wasnt coming back for them, they were staying with me way past bedtime, when she was supposed to pick them up at 3.30pm. I found out she was cheating on her husband, he eventually found out.
I told her how the kids were really upset, then all when I was supposed to pick the kids up, hubby was there, they laughed it all off, made me look an idiot and we never spoke again.

About a year later, her sister who we were all good with, had a baby, saw the baby once after it was born, then she started to distance herself from us. Her sister was threatening her, and my grandma, with the old 'its me or them' crap. her sister chose her, my grandma chose us.

Havent spoken to either cousins since. And never want to, even though their trying to work them slimey way back in. Theyre older than me but incredibly immature! Not worth it.

- written
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