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Yesterday was world kindness day.

a related cartoon :)

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Name three things you'd like the new US government to do.

What if we took the democrat's party back for the voters, for the workers, for citizens. It's time to recognize that we ended up with 45 in the WH because for the last 4 decades our representative parties have both gone hard in on protecting those that profit from the stock market. Giant corporations have zombified our gov't to serve them. Corporations bought politician's ears, got their tax loop holes, got bail out after bail out directed to them ALL while they fought off worker protections.

Think about this: we live in a capitalist society. Regulated capitalism can be a good thing: IF economic equality is part of the plan. As it stands, we have allowed our representation to feed unregulated capitalism back to us. Capitalism requires a large customer base. That customer base is all of us wage and salary earners who don't have a way out of paying taxes. We work for corporations who fight living wages for workers at a national level and force a majority of workers to piece together multiple part time jobs to earn the default 40 hour paycheck by working 60 hours sometime without overtime, benefits, retirement, health care. Economic inequality is the result and people are, at times, forced to accept gov't assistance because the system is created to prevent workers from having real stability and they are robbed of the ability to leave toxic work situations because they are trapped just in order to scrape by and hold onto something to keep a roof over their head, a car in working order and essential food.

Those hand-outs someone may find themselves in a situation to qualify for? Those situations are created because of corporate lobby efforts to squeeze the most out of worker cogs for the least investment in the worker possible. So who is funding the hand-outs that these people really do deserve? All of us other workers-the masses have to pay for the struggle because the A55es at the top don't pay fair taxes. Just because the CEOs have paid a little to campaigns across the board to make huge profits for themselves and investors. They all own major stocks and this feedback system keeps them swimming in oceans of wealth while we are allowed drops of wealth, the pocket change, the lost pennies on the sidewalk. Workers don't benefit from soaring stocks. Those profits are sourced from worker's wallets through a network of dark money funded think tanks most Americans haven't learned about yet.

Progressive twitter political threads are an eye opener if you can find a few accounts to follow that are willing to spell out issues in modern politics that aren't covered by major news networks. Once you understand a few pieces made by the backroom deal makers that have been running on our political system behind their golden curtains, it become obvious who our "news" casters are beholden to. Broadcast reporters & journalists are limited by the political views held by the men who own the broadcast licenses.

We need to take back our voice & our gov't for citizens again. Franklin Roosevelt initally filled his cabinet with the party elite and wealthy men of the time in a era that came to be known as the Great Depression. It was progressive citizen visionaries that forced him to change out his default favored consultants to tap into people who had greater on the ground knowledge to turn the depression around. If his New Deal hadn't have been created, our great grandparents and grandparents wouldn't have been able to overcome the gov't create economic inequaltiy of their time. Their boomer kids benefited so much from those efforts. They had unions that actually represented them in the work place, they had Social Security AND retirement, they had greatly respected insurance coverage until retirement and then were covered by medicare at no cost after retirement. Now? Many of those Boomer kids have grown up and sit on boards of our educational institutions, run the largest corporations, sit in gov't positions, fat and happy with all they were rewarded with in life because of what the New Deal bestowed on their parents and they think they earned it all. They think it was ordained by their hard work that they are so well squared away. They look at their children and grandchildren and sometimes great grandchildren and ignore the hurdles their way of governing and electing representation has impacted the masses in later generations. Those rewarded with wealth will for the most part, pave a way for their own and those in their upper economic circles, if it is mutually beneficial---but the rest who lack portfolios? "It's just bad luck, so sad," they say. But the system was designed this way.

The MontPelerinSociety &TheFederalistSociety are dangerous to democracy. I want our country back. If you are unaware of their dark money funding use your googlefu to investigate. There are a few youtube videos that dive into their long term goals and history. If you can find interviews with authors who have written NYT bestsellers on any of them, it should give a great rundown of what those with the most wealth don't want us to be aware of. Social media has made it possible to expose so much to the interested voting class that is expected to vote for them and be satisfied with the few drops they can spare from their oceans of wealth that ultimately keeps accelerating our country's economic inequality.

I want at least one party that challenges the corporate lobby class and demands gov't address issues our modern gov't fostered in as they erroded protections the New Deal put in place to protect past generation. I want to remove the employer from being our gatekeeper to accessing healthcare. I want corporations to be taxed to maintain and modernize our infrastructure that is required to be in place so that they can operate as a corporation at all. They need a healthy, educated and trained workforce to be successful, that means they should be taxed to make national public options that serve those purposes in order to guanantee we can run like a well oiled machine. Capitalism is a machine, but people aren't cogs to wear down and chuck out for a replacement. Productivity requires these investments, if we value democracy at all.

I was feeling homesick for the old faces from before the CBStakeover of the original platform and various iterations that followed. I just stopped by and thought this was a great question from Lano. I see founderErik has a twitter and am considering following him just to see if other former helpers I recognize are using that platform. Maybe. I still value my anonymity, so maybe not. Catch y'all on the flip side. Take care everyone! ๐Ÿ›ฃ๏ธ ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

NacthoMan wrote:

danihatesyou wrote:
Unify both parties, highly unlikely but one can hope..... covid needs to be mandated way more... universal Healthcare, more taxes on the wealthy that goes to the poor, oh wait is that socialism or humanism? Honestly in a reality world I wish everyone would be equal and pay for everyone blah blah blah but I'm living in usa

right on, quit demonizing the parties

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