ShoutTrail: DocteurRalph and aeolian

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Probably Southern Comfort, ha ha.

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I was hacked. Somone keeps removing my friends on my list

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I like the way "friended" is a word now... lol

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Why do I keep getting friend requests from you? Isn't this like the third time I have friended you? Did you open a new account or something?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Happy new years to you bro

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Dam. I remember all those sexy pics of her and I said to myself thay cant be her/him. It was intuition. That was 10 years ago. Good to know hes a guy. Btw. Happy new year bro

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Yeah that's not her picture, that's for sure.. She was giving some anonymous user hell for telling someone not to write if they didn't feel like it and whoever it was started calling her a guy so I kept it up. Whoever she is she is pretending to be a girl. Wendy Jackson I think from Florida... heck I was friends with her on Facebook for a while until I figured out who she really was. She's kind of abrasive.

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Hey tim. Is soco a guy?? Somehow I get the feeling those pics are bogus of soco. Just intuition

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Ha ha... yeah I was on the "who wants to engage" post this morning and I said if you are a hot blonde I'll engage. Turned out to be a guy so JN said if he looked like Johnny Depp she'd engage. Somehow I ended up being Johnny. So yeah there's a story there somewhere. I'm about to change it to one that twosocks drew.

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I really like the new avatar.

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